Páginas filhas
  • MultProfile - User profiles in multiple files

Perfis de usuários em arquivos separados


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

The goal is to facilitate the maintenance and management of features related to the User Profile. The MultProfile command allows the use of multiple files, so that each user registered in the System has its respective control file. This command, in addition to establishing a more practical maintenance in case of specific editions for certain users, also contributes significantly in the reduction of the Profile file, so that it does not reach the maximum limit of 4GB, common in environments that have a large volume of resources and users.


The use of this feature is optional and recommended only in heavy maintenance environments or when the main profile.usr file is larger than 3GB.

How to configure:
To use this feature you have to add a specific parameter in the environment section to be used in the TOTVS Application Server - appserver.ini configuration file - named MultProfile with its contents equivalent to 1 - On.


SourcePath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus\apo\
RootPath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus_data

After setting this key, at each logon the System automatically imports the records in the profile.usr file of a certain user to its new settings file, named user_ id>_profile.usr, in which the term <id> corresponds to the user code, within the system user register (SIGAPSS.SPF).

If the administrator needs to complete the import of the profile items without requiring the login, simply access the SincProf routine through the TOTVS SmartClient Initial Program field. In this case, the execution of the routine is conditional on the use of exclusive access to the System and its execution time is directly related to the number of items to be imported.

When running this routine, the user can use the Wizard to guide them through the content migration process. It is through this routine that the System automatically backs up the profile file to be allocated in the specific profile_bkp directory. A log contemplating the procedures performed is also available for this mode.

Upon completion of Sincprof, the profile.usr and profile.cdx files are automatically deleted from the Profile folder. The system automatically backs up the profile.usr file before starting the process, however, if you wish, we recommend that you do a manual backup as well.