Páginas filhas
  • Santander - Bank Slip Configuration - FINA710


Settings required for registration of bank slips by the Santander bank API.
This bank slip registration (Santander) will be available only for binary or higher.


Request the use of the Collection by XML product to your manager.
You will be asked to send the e-CNPJ or SSL certificate; this same certificate must be used in the layout configuration of the NGF.

The certificate must be converted using the Certificate Conversion Wizard - CFGX060 in the configuration module - SIGACFG and must be saved within the cert/ngf folder (protheud_data).

Your Station Code and Agreement Code will be forwarded by the bank.


To enable the configuration of a layout for Santander, enter the Santander code 033 in the A6_BCOOFI field (Official Bank).

The layout requires the bank branch to have 4 positions (without digit), and the account, 7 positions (without digit). 


It is necessary to register the account verifying digit correctly in the Account DV field (A6_DVCTA).

If the registration is incorrect in the bank table (SA6), the adjustment must be made to your sub-account in the Bank Parameters File (table SEE) in the fields Official Branch (EE_AGEOFI), Official Acct., (EE_CTAOFI) and Offic. Acct. VD (EE_DVCTOFI).

Example of an account that needs to be adjusted: Account 12345-6

In the bank registration, field Account No. (A6_NUMCOM) = 123456 and Account VD (A6_DVCTA) = empty, the adjustment in your sub-account must be Official Acct. (EE_CTAOFI) = 12345 and Offic. Acct. VD (EE_DVCTOFI) = 6


  • The collection's Beneficiary code is configured in the sub-account (table SEE) by the Bank Parameters routine (FINA130) in the Company Code field (EE_CODEMP).
  • If our number is generated by the system, it must be configured in the sub-account (Table SEE) by the Bank Parameters routine (FINA130) in the Start Range (EE_FAXINI), End Range (EE_FAXFIM) and Current Range (EE_FAXATU) fields.
  • The customer's address must have the number separated by a comma to be correctly routed to the bank system.
  • The configuration for "PROTEST" of bank bills will be based on the EE_DIASPRT field (days to protest). If this field is filled with a value greater than 0 (zero), the layout is set to "PROTEST", and the number of days is the value of the field. Otherwise, it will be configured with "RETURN" in 02 days.


In the Credentials step, you will be prompted for the Station Code provided by the bank and the name of the Certificate and Key imported into Protheus.
The following rules should also be observed in the transmission by API of Santander bank:

  • Our number: a 13-position sequential will be sent to the bank, which consists of the following rule:  sequential (12 positions) + sequential verifying digit (1 position)

Example: Our number with Sequential 999999999999 will be sent as 9999999999996, being the number 6 the verifying digit.

  • Document number: In this field, you should enter the document number that will be transmitted to the bank and then printed on the bank slip.

      It can be:

    1. Bill Number (E1_NUM)
    2. CNAB ID (E1_IDCNAB)
    3. An expression defined by the user.
      • The result of the expression will be assigned to the "Document Number" field. For macro-runs, the expression to be executed must be valid. To enter an expression, click on the gear that is next to the field.

  • Acceptance: This field indicates the formal recognition of the debt (signature in the document) by the payer. The following values must be entered:
    • Yes - when the payer must recognize/accept the collection.
    • No - when there is no need to recognize the collection.

  • Branch beneficiary: In this field, enter which branch will be used for the transmission and printing of the bank slip. 

The data registered in this branch will be used in the transmission and printing:


If this field is not filled in, the Current Branch (logged-in branch or branch configured in the schedule) will be used in the transmission and printing data of the bank slip.

  • Deduction AmountIn this field, you may or may not enter a discount value for the bank slip.  

       It can be:

    1. Empty - If the nominal value is already calculated with the deduction of the discount values, or there is no discount for the bank slip.
    2. Deduction value (SomaAbat())  System default calculation according to expression: "SomaAbat(SE1>E1_PREFIXO,SE1->E1_NUM,SE1->E1_PARCELA,"R",SE1->E1_MOEDA,dDataBase,SE1->E1_CLIENTE,SE1->E1_LOJA)" .
    3. An expression defined by the user.
      • The result of the expression will be assigned to the "Deduction Value" field. For macro-runs, the expression to be executed must be valid. To enter an expression, click on the gear that is next to the field.

It is possible to enter the nominal value with the deduction value already applied. Just click on the gear in the "Nominal value" field and enter a valid expression:

    • "SE1->E1_SALDO - SomaAbat(SE1->E1_PREFIXO,SE1->E1_NUM,SE1->E1_PARCELA,"R",SE1->E1_MOEDA,dDataBase,SE1->E1_CLIENTE,SE1->E1_LOJA)"


If the nominal value is already calculated with the deduction, the "Deduction Value" field must not be filled in so that there is no duplicity in the deduction value.

If the "Deduction Value" field is filled in, the "Nominal Value" field must contain the full value (without deduction). If a deduction exists, a message will be displayed in the body of the bank slip informing the value of the discount already calculated.