Páginas filhas
  • Transactions by Month - FINR801



This report presents a comparison of client transactions in up to six columns/periods. Its main target is to provide a comparison between the customers' portfolios each month.

It can be printed in descending order (higher to lower) of estimated amounts, actual amounts, or both. You can also configure it to have the same periods defined by accounting (variable closings).


This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute no. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


If Select Branches? is set to Yes, you can select the branch to be considered in the report generation.


To issue the Transactions by Month report:

  1. In Transactions by Month, click Parameters.
  2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.
  3.  Check the configuration and confirm.