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  • Transfer Between Branches -- 113899

Document: Transfer between Branches

The process of transfer between branches in routine Asset Transfer (ATFA060) has been adjusted, as shown below:

  • Old process: When transferring an asset between branches, this asset was moved from the branch of origin, and there was no record you could use to trace transactions and registers linked to the asset in that branch.

  • New process: When you make a transfer between branches, the asset is posted at the branch of origin, so the link with related registers is kept.

Impacts on system operation


There are no impacts on system operation.

  • The accounting entries used in the process of transfer between branches remain the same, given the following:

831 – Transfer between branches – Origin

832 – Transfer between branches – Destination

  • The statement of transfer in Transaction and Transfer reports remains the same, displaying origin and destination data.

  • The posting of the asset at the origin branch is registered with its own reason 18-Branch Internal Transfer, to differentiate it from other operations performed by the user, such as the asset detailing and grouping action performed by routine Acquisition by Transfer (ATFA250).

  • For better viewing, the Assets posted by the Transfer routine display the status Branch Internal Transfer in the browser.



We have made this adjustment to implement new features for the apportionment of depreciation expenses and to control multiple calculation methods of managerial depreciation and amortization, offered for localization in Argentina and later made available in other locations, including Brazil, through the adjustment process of module Fixed Assets (SIGAATF) and international accounting regulations (IAS and IFRS).

Besides the aforementioned systemic reasons, this change improves the servicing of qualitative characteristics of statement controls of Fixed Assets (SIGAATF) in accordance with the BASIC CONCEPTUAL STATEMENT CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE FOR PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS (Available on the website: http://www.cpc.org.br/mostraOrientacao.php?id=14) in accordance with Reliability precepts: Proper representation, Priority of essence over form, Neutrality, Circumspection and Technical Comparativeness.

Functions Involved

ATFA060 - Asset Transfer

Operating Systems
