Indica o endereço de e-mail que será exibido na mensagem como tendo enviado a mesma.
Tipo | Valor Padrão | Somente Leitura |
caractere | "" | N |
- Alguns servidores de e-mail (como o GMail) não permitem que o remetente da mensagem seja alterado, mesmo tendo recebido o comando para isso.
user function teste() Local oServer Local oMessage Local xRet //Create connection with SMTP server ( E-mail sending ) oServer := TMailManager():New() oServer:SetUseTLS( .T. ) oServer:SetUseSSL( .T. ) xRet := oServer:Init( "", "", "[email protected]", "mypassword", , 587 ) if xRet != 0 conout( "Error on Init: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return .F. endif //Set sending timeout to 1 minute xRet := oServer:SetSMTPTimeOut( 60 ) if xRet != 0 conout( "Error setting timeout: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return .F. endif //Establish SMTP connection xRet := oServer:SMTPConnect() if xRet != 0 conout( "Error on connecting: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) return .F. endIf xRet := oServer:SMTPAuth( "[email protected]", "mypassword" ) if xRet != 0 Conout( "Error on authentication: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) Return .F. endif //After the connection, creates message object oMessage := TMailMessage():New() //Clean the object oMessage:Clear() //Populate the sending data oMessage:cFrom := "[email protected]" oMessage:cTo := "[email protected]" oMessage:cCc := "" oMessage:cBcc := "" oMessage:cSubject := "Teste de Email" oMessage:cBody := "Conteudo do e-mail" //Send the e-mail xRet := oMessage:Send( oServer ) if xRet != 0 Conout( "Error sending e-mail: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) Return .F. endif //Disconnect from server xRet := oServer:SmtpDisconnect() if xRet != 0 Conout( "Error disconnecting from SMTP server: " + oServer:GetErrorString( xRet ) ) Return .F. endif return .T.
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