Páginas filhas
  • Replace Option (FINA040 - SIGAFIN)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • Do not convert - If you choose not to convert the amounts, only the bills in the currency selected will be displayed for replacement.
  • Convert - If you choose to convert the amounts, all the temporary bills from Customer/Supplier will be displayed and the bills checked will have their balances converted into the selected currency.


Image ModifiedImportant:

You can trace the process of provisional Bills Replace that enables the write-off of provisional bills when generating the definitive bill, calculating the monetary variation in Settlement.



To replace a bill: 

1. Before starting replacement of interim bills receivable, press [F12] and fill out the routine parameters according field help instructions.

2. Select Replace.

The system displays a window for selecting customer, store, currencies and other currencies.

3. Enter the information and confirm it.

The system displays the screen for selecting the interim bills for replacement.

4. Double-click the bills you want until they are selected and confirm them.

The system opens the bills receivable addition screen.

5. Fill out data and confirm replacement.