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  • Cond. Days (MATA360 - SIGACOM)

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Main Fields/Controls (MATA360 - SIGAFIN)
Main Fields/Controls (MATA360 - SIGAFIN)

The Cond. Days field represents the calculation base date of expiration.


D = Day date: Base Date = Issue date;

L = Apart day: Base Date = Issue date + 1 day;

S = Apart Week: Base Date = Start date of next week from the issue date (weeks starts always on Sunday);

Q = Apart Fortnight: Base Date = Start date of next fortnight from the issue date. Example: Issue date = 9/5/2014; Base Date = 9/16/2014;

F = Apart Month: Base Date = First day of the subsequent month to the issue date. Example: Issue date = 9/5/2014; Base Date = 10/1/2014;

Z = Apart Ten - If issue date is between 01 and 10, day 11 is considered. If issue date is between 11 and 20, day 21 is considered. If issue date exceeds 20, day 01 of subsequent month to the issue date is considered.

Image RemovedImportant:

System always considers the calculation base date + amount of days.
