Name | Description | Content |
MV_GCPALDT | It requests the edition of database. | PB,HO,TP,AD,AC,PX |
MV_GCPDOC | The path to save the files created. | \samples\documents\gcp\doc\ |
MV_GCPDOT | The path that stores .dot (model) files. | \samples\documents\gcp\dot\ |
MV_GCPHOMG | A .dot file with the Ratification Notice model. | GCP_EXTHOM |
MV_GCPLOJ | Code of Store of participating Suppliers. | 01 |
MV_GCPMCLI | Modalities of a participant and a customer (SA1). | LL\ |
MV_GCPPARE | It activates the permissions register. | .T. |
MV_GCPPORT | SMTP server port. | 25 |
MV_GCPPRD | A .dot file with the Resolution Notice model. | GCP_RESDIR |
MV_GCPRATP | It defines the proration by orders placed in the public notice. T=Prorate. F=Do not prorate. | .F. |
MV_GCPTERM | A .dot file with the Ratification Term model. | GCP_TERHOM |
MV_GERIMPV | It determines whether the company uses script to calculate variables taxes (internationalization). | N |
MV_GRADE | It activates the use of product grid feature: T - It activates the use of Product Grid. F - It deactivates the use of Product Grid. | T |
MV_GRUPO | It determines how many positions of the product code are used to identify the break per group in some reports. | 5 |