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Formulas (CFGX019 - SIGACOM)
Formulas (CFGX019 - SIGACOM)

Enables you to apply formulas to fill out fields in different points of the system.


Refer to the Create Formulas item.

Use of Formulas

Formulas are mainly used when flexibility is important, for example, in Standardized Entries.

In the fields DEBIT ACC., CREDIT ACC., and HISTORY, formulas are used to indicate where the system searches information. Thus, the DEBIT ACC. field with the prefix "11101" + customer code has the formula "1101"+SE1->E1_CLIENTE.

The system interprets that the content is composed of the code 11101 with the customer code retrieved from the Customer (E1_CLIENTE) field of the table SE1 (Accounts Receivable).

Conditioned syntaxes can also be created: For customers with the first digit of the code as “1”, the entry must be made in the account 11101 + customer code, otherwise the entry must be made in the account 11102 + customer code.

IIF(SUBS(SE1->E1_CLIENTE,1,1)=”1”,”11101”+SE1->E1_CLIENTE,“11102” +SE1->E1_CLIENTE).


Data validation fields use AdvPL language to authenticate information entered. For further information, refer to Data Dictionary.


Adding formulas:


See Also

  • Formula register is available in the table SM4 (Formulas) in Configuring Queries.
