Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • Prepayment bills are not considered (AP, for example) in the selection of bills for automatic bordereau.
  • Tax bills are not considered (PIS, Cofins, CSLL, IRRF, INSS or ISS for example) in the selection of bills for automatic bordereau.
  • If bank register is blocked, disregard the bank for automatic or manual generation.
  • When registering an accounts payable bill, information on payment terms (Credit in account) and bank data (Bank, bank branch and checking account) entered in supplier file is transfered to bill, so you can change the bank information (supplier bank, bank branch and checking account).
  • In case payment term or bank data information is changed in the supplier file, this information is considered in the next bills.
  • The generation of bordereaux does not depend on any bank communication layout.
  • The bordereau is generated from net value, and in case of taxes the withholding occurs during the payment of financial bills, a partial write-off is performed from tax withholding, leaving each bill with net balance for delivery of payment through bank communication (through CNAB file) or write-off in the system.
  • If a bill is rejected by bank by any reason preventing the payment, the procedure is to remove the bordereau bill by using routine Bordereaux Maintenance.
  • When removing the bill from bordereau, in case of tax withholdings, these are deleted with the cancellation of the partial posting by tax withholding that occurred at bordereau creation.
  • Calculation or adjustments are not executed during return process of bank communication file, as banks do not execute any tax calculation.
