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  • CFGTRIB - Tax Configurator -

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This document contains the features of the tax configurator from release onwards. For previous releases, we recommend the following documentation: CFGTRIB - Tax Configurator - 12.1.33



Microsiga Protheus®



Generic Tax Configurator



This feature was created to tackle the complexities of the Brazilian tax system, aiming to enable the creation of taxes in a fully configurable way. This routine gathers the main elements of a fiscal operation involving states of origin, destination, products, customers, suppliers and CFOPs, in isolated registers of other system entities, so you may individually configure and combine each calculation component with the other components in accordance with the characteristics of the tax you are configuring, thus offering a new tax data configuration and updating experience. All tax calculation and collection settings, such as base, rate, impacting operations, generation of bills by operation, by verification and also withholding, are now available as registers within this new structure. This ensures further customer and user autonomy and agility, adapting the system and keeping it up to date in face of the constantly changing Brazilian tax scenario.

Procedure for Utilization

Credit Reversal - With Product Resale


  • Environment updated to release or above;

Registers, Configurations, Verification and Reports

The configurator of generic taxes is available on the menu of module Tax Records (SIGAFIS), on menu Updates → Facilitators → Tax Configurator (routine FISA170).

When you access the tax configurator, all registers needed for configuring are grouped and organized on the left side menu.

Image Added

The routines are arranged in two main groups, Tax Rules and Financial Rules. This manual pertains the registers of group Tax Rules. For further information on the group Tax Rules, click https://tdn.totvs.com/x/NBu9Gg