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  • CFGTRIB - Tax Configurator -

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This feature was created to tackle the complexities of the Brazilian tax system, aiming to enable the creation of taxes in a fully configurable way. This routine gathers the main elements of a fiscal operation involving states of origin, destination, products, customers, suppliers and CFOPs, in isolated registers of other system entities, so you may individually configure and combine each calculation component with the other components in accordance with the characteristics of the tax you are configuring, thus offering a new tax data configuration and updating experience. All tax calculation and collection settings, such as base, rate, impacting operations, generation of bills by operation, by verification and also withholding, are now available as registers within this new structure. This ensures further customer and user autonomy and agility, adapting the system and keeping it up to date in face of the constantly changing Brazilian tax scenario.

Procedure for Utilization


The routines are arranged in two main groups, Tax Rules and Financial Rules. This manual pertains the registers of group Tax Rules. For further information on the group Tax Rules, click https://tdn.totvs.com/x/NBu9Gg


You can find the date and time of the routines involved in the tax configurator in Other Actions option Routine List:

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This option displays the sources' date and time information:

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Registers Folder

Generic Tax Register

Use this routine to register generic taxes. This is the first registration you make for the system to process a new tax.

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In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Tax Definition:

Tax = Through this field, set the code for the new tax. Define it at will, though you cannot repeat it. This field is required.

Description = In this field, enter the description of the new tax. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying this tax easier.

Sphere = This field specifies the sphere of this tax. The options are 1 - Federal, 2 - State or 3 - Local. This field is not required.

Kind = In this field, select the tax kind. The options are 1-Tax, 2-Contribution, 3-Fund or 4-Fee.

Section Identifier - TOTVS ID:

Tax ID = In this field, enter the code that identifies the generic tax. We call this code the TOTVS ID.

The TOTVS ID concept enables the identification of a generic tax. The system automatically generates a fixed number for this ID. This ID basically calls "From To", from a generic tax with a random code set by the user to an actual, known tax.

Only fill in this field when you need to state the value of the generic tax in an ancillary obligation, such as SPED Fiscal; otherwise, there is no need to fill it in.


Customers are notified through notices and documents every time TOTVS IDs are released, with all the required procedures.


Tax Reference Unit Register

Use this routine to register a tax reference unit, with its respective quotation, on a monthly basis.

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In this register, fill in the following data:

Section URF Definition

In this section, provide data to define and identify the URF.

Unit Code: In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one URF with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities, such as the rate rule.

Description: In this field, enter the URF description. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the URF easier.

Section URF Values:

In this section, enter URF values on a monthly basis. When calculating the tax, the URF value is obtained in accordance with the month and year of document issue.

Month: In this field, enter the reference month for the URF value.

Year: In this field, enter the reference year for the URF value.

Value: URF value corresponding to the previously entered month and year.


Progressive Table Register

Use this routine to create progressive table rules, with data from the ranges composing a given progressive table as well as deduction values and rates. For example, you can use this routine to calculate Income Tax.

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In this register, fill in the following data:

Section Progressive Table:

In this section, provide data to define and identify the Progressive Table.

Code: In this field, enter the identifier code. This field is required and you can register no more than one rule with the same code, because this code is used for linking with the other entities.

Description: In this field, enter the rule description. Describe it as you wish, to make identifying the rule easier.

Section Enter Range Values:

In this section, enter range values, one at a time.

Initial Value: In this field, enter the initial value of the range.
Final Value: In this field, enter the final value of the range.
Rate: In this field, enter the rate of the range.
Deduction Value: In this field, enter the value to be deducted from the range.


Register of Rules per NCM

Use this routine to configure taxes that require base value, increase or MVA. Configuring scenarios by NCM, specifying: tax, states of origin/destination, effective period, tax classification or measurement unit of product.

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In this register, fill in the following data:

Section NCM:

NCM Code: In this field, enter the NCM code. This field is required and you can register no more than one rule with the same NCM, because this NCM is used for linking with the other entities.
Description: This field is automatically filled in with the NCM description registered in Protheus.

Section Taxes:

Tax: Tax Code to be bound to the NCM rule, which may have MVA, Base Value or Rate Increase. Tax examples: ICMS, ICMS ST, IPI, PIS, COFINS and more.
Description: This field is automatically filled in with the tax description registered in the Tax Configurator.

Added Value Margin:

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Source State: State of Origin. If you want all States, enter **
Destination State: State of Destination. If you want all States, enter **
Start Date: Start Date of MVA validity
End Date: End Date of MVA validity
MVA: MVA calculation rate
MVA Auxiliary Index: MVA auxiliary index

Base Value:

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Source State: State of Origin. If you want all States, enter **
Destination State: State of Destination. If you want all States, enter **
Start Date: Start Date of MVA validity
End Date: End Date of MVA validity
Measurement Unit: Product measurement unit to be used for calculating the Base Value
Base Value: Base Value to be added to tax calculation

Rate Increase:

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Origin State: State of Origin of a product. If you want all States, enter **
Destination State: State of Destination of a product. If you want all States, enter **
Start Date: Start Date of MVA validity
End Date: End Date of MVA validity
Increase Percentage: Percentage of Increase used for calculating FECP or Increase.
Increase Auxiliary Index: Auxiliary index for calculating Increase


When calculating the tax in Protheus routines, the Tax Configurator tries to classify the operation, if the tax has any link to the NCM register, considering: NCM, Tax, State of Origin/Destination, Effective Period and Measurement Unit.