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  • Manual Addition of Production Order (MATA650 - SIGACOM)

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Manual Addition of Production Order

Addition of Production Order triggers verification of the system requirements.

Based on the structure of the product to be manufactured, the system makes Allocations, Purchase Requests and generates automatic POs, if required.



A production order of number 000001 and item 01 made for a finished product (FP) that has as component an intermediate product (IP), results in the following POs:

Main PO - (FP)









Intermediate PO - (IP)











Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

Exp. ExcelExport to Excel (MATA103 - SIGACOM) allows you to export data displayed on screen to a Microsoft Excel® Worksheet.



Adding a production order manually:


  1. In Production Orders, press [F12] to configure the routine.

The System displays the parameters screen.



 Configure them according to the help instructions, paying special attention to the following parameters:


. Cons. Only Default Warehouse?

Enter Yes if the system must consider only the default location while verifying balances of the component to be allocated. Otherwise select No.


. Change Child PO Priority?

While altering a PO, if the field
Delivery Term is changed, the system automatically changes the priority of execution of child POs if this parameter is S (Yes). If it is N (No), the system maintains the periods for the child POs, ignoring the change of period made in the main PO. See Calculation of Priorities.


. Group PR?

Select the manner by which Purchase Requests must be grouped:


. Regular


The system makes the purchase requests for the raw material as specified in the structure, without considering if the same raw material appears twice in the structure or priority dates. Purchase requests are made to meet each requirement of the structure separately.


. By Production Order

The system sums quantities of the same raw materials and makes a single purchase request for the total quantity needed for executing the PO.


. By Date of Requirement

The system identifies the same raw materials and checks if the priority dates are the same. If they are, it sums the quantities and makes a single purchase request. If not, even though the raw material is the same, the system makes separate purchase requests, as happens with normal requests.


. Save Inter. PO Notes

Enter Yes to save the notes in intermediate POs or No otherwise.


. Suggest Lot to Allocate?

.If you are using Trackability (parameter MV_RASTRO = S), the system may automatically suggest the numbers of Lots/Sub-lots while generating Allocation when opening a PO. For this, enter Yes for the question Suggest Lot to Allocate?.

The Lots/Sub-lots are selected using the FEFO (First Expired First Out) method, that is, the first to expire is the first to be allocated on the validity date.



 Check the parameterization and confirm.



Select Add.

The Add screen is displayed.



 Fill out the fields according to field help instructions.



 Check the data and confirm addition.



 While concluding, the system asks if you wish to generate intermediate POs and purchase requests.



 To ensure that production is ready on the delivery date specified in the PO, the system analyzes the delivery period of the components (raw materials and intermediate products - Products File).



 Thus, while saving the PO of the main product, the user is shown a warning window if it is necessary to generate intermediate POs and PRs with dates prior to the base date. This happens if one of the components has a delivery period greater than that of the main product.




Image Modified


  • Adding a FP


  • PQ

Base date: 06/10

Expected Start Date: 06/10

Expected Delivery Date:06/13


  • Result

Intermediate PO - IP

Expected Start Date: 06/06

Purchase Request - RM

Date of Requirement: 06/08

Thus, the POs and PRs are generated with delivery date prior to the base date, that is, indicating that they must already be available to meet the delivery deadline of the main PO.



 Then, if initially parameterized, the system displays the allocation screen, allowing alteration if required.

While exiting the Production Order routine, the system makes the calculations and automatically generates the necessary intermediate POs and/or Purchase Requests according to the parameterization defined for automatic generations (parameters MV_QUEBROP and MV_QUEBRSC) and based on the economic lot and minimum lot and the quantity per package in the Products File.


Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:

The Production Order maintenance screen displays all the production orders added and classified according to their color (green or red), open or closed. In this screen, the option Caption is available which, when selected, displays a screen describing each of the entry annotations, classified by two basic colors, corresponding to:


 Image AddedOpen Production Orders


 Image AddedTerminated Production Orders


Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:

System allows keeping the allocations generated, to be used in another PO for the same product (table AFJ-Project allocations), even if the PO generated is deleted.

When you add a new PO and link it to the same finished product with the same Project and Task, the System displays the question:

Do you want to check if there is an existing allocation available for binding with this PO?

When you confirm it, the allocations can be bind with this PO.

For this, set the parameter MV_PMSOPSC to 2 for the binding process to wok and set the content of the parameters MV_PMSOPGE and MV_PMSSCGE to .T. (True).



 When you finish the Production Order addition, if there is integration with Process Inspection Module, and the parameter MV_QIPMAT is set to S, the System displays the following question:


. Do you want to print the Inspection Plan?

If yes, you can print the Inspection Plan report which allows to verify the procedures for inspection of the products in this Production Order.



Help_buttonImage AddedImportant:

Message were treated in the integration between Materials and Inspection of Processes environments, allowing to add automatically the Production Orders through the routine MRP without displaying a message, according to the parameter MV_HELPMRP.



Help_buttonImage AddedTip:

To optimize the adding process for production orders that generate intermediate PO or purchase requests with estimated delivery date prior to the current date (base date), check the configuration of the parameter MV_PRZESTRin the Configurator module.