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This routine enables the pre-formatted file generation for importing the EDI - Fiscal, of the state of Ceará.

To whom it is applicable

Carriers that travel with cargo through the state of Ceará.


Reduce the time spent by vehicles transporting cargo on the tax offices of the state of Ceará.

Delivery Term



State – Ceará

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

Quick Border

Version of the application supported by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority

Legislation contemplated

 Law No. 12,670, of Friday, September 27, 1996

Parameter MV_TMSSQTR

The transmission sequence is controlled when an EDI file is generated for “Quick Border”. For that, the parameter MV_TMSSQTR must be configured with the number to be used for a new generation of EDI for certain state. With this configuration, at each generation of an EDI file, the sequence will be incremented.


  1. The reference Manifest number is considered. It is entered on the first screen of questions, where the Manifest number is informed.
  2. Only valid Manifests are considered (Manifests for the State of Ceará).

Image ModifiedImportant:

If the option chosen for the question "Do you want to generate several manifests?" is "YES", the system will consider all existing manifests within the period selected on the screen of questions and each manifest generates a new record.

Record Type C04 – Driver Identification
