Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine is for all countries, except Brazil.

Customs Clearance is a set of acts performed by the Fiscal that aims at authorizing the delivery of goods to the importer through the conclusion of the conference of goods, the fulfillment of the tax legislation, and the importer identification.

If no irregularity is found, the importer must present the documents of goods release and the Import Declaration to make the clearance effective.

This routine aims at registering, in an organized way and in only one process, all Purchase Orders and Import Requests concerning the same import process based on  the information presented in the Import Declaration and the ones of Invoices.

You can link several Invoices to an import process, including all expenses concerning the import, such as: payment of forms and document release, services of customs brokers, freight, insurance, etc.

By selecting the type of inflow invoice that must be generated, the Invoices are classified automatically, updating physical and financial balances.



 Adding a clearance:

1. In Clearance, select Add.

The window Clearance  - Add is displayed, divided into three areas:

Header Folders

In this area, the following options are also available: Generate FOB Invoice, Generate Freight Invoice, Generate Insurance Invoice, Generate CF Invoice, Generate Tax/Expenses Invoice and Generate Expenses Invoice. This option must be used to generate Invoices, according to the type of invoice you want.

Invoices Folders

Footer Folders

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Check data and confirm the inclusion.


Related Features

  • P. O.
  • O. Item
  • Advance
  • Documents
