Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This feature is available from release 12.1.33 onwards.



The online bills record purports to automate the creation and registration process of bank slips generated by companies, jointly with banks, using communication with APIs.

Approved Banks:


  1. Checking and registration of Registered Bank Slip Types. Example of use: Registered Bank Slip Types.
  2. To transmit the bank slip to the financial entity, you must configure the scheduling service of the environment (Schedule). For further information about how to configure the Schedule, refer to the following documentation: Schedule Configuration
  3. When you configure an account, the system checks the need to create the Job Fina713 for banks slip transmission and sending by e-mail. 
    1. To send the e-mail, you need to enter the sending and its address in the complement. Check further details on:  Customer Complement
    2. To send the e-mail, you must configure the collection letter. Check further details on: Collection Letter for e-mail sending


Record of bank slips receivable

  1. Enter the official bank in field A6_BCOOFI with the FEBRABAN bank code in the bank register.
  2. Configure the Bank Parameters register (Subaccount) - FINA130.
  3. Configure accounts in the New Financial Manager's menu.
  4. Generate bordereau entering the Subaccount configured.
  5. Configure the job FINA713 in the configurator module schedule, which will transmit the bank slip to the bank.
  6. Monitoring of status through the Bank Slip monitor in New Financial Manager.

Editing/cancellation of bank slips receivable 


The only banks that consider the editing and cancellation of bank slips: Banco do Brasil and Itaú 

  • Banco do Brasil - Only allows editing the due date (E1_VENCTO or E1_VENCREA)
  • Itaú - Only allows editing the due date (E1_VENCTO or E1_VENCREA) and/or value (E1_VALOR).

Note: Editing is only considered for automatic transmission (online bank slip using the job FINA713) if only the aforementioned fields respective to each bank are edited. If any other bank slip field is edited, together or separately, not being any of the aforementioned fields, the system will disregard this edit as an online bank slip to be transmitted by the job FINA713, yet it will consider it as a regular CNAB edit, displaying the CNAB events screen.

Attention: To edit bank slips, you need Appserver build or higher and accumulated package of financials with date equal to or after 05/15/2023

  1. To edit a registered bank slip, just access the routine Accounts Receivable (FINA040) 
  2. Update → Accounts Receivable → Accounts Receivable
  3. Place the cursor on the bank slip transmitted via API (EA_BORAPI = S, EA_TRANSF = S)
  4. For example, click Edit, then edit the due date and confirm the edit.
  5. A record will be saved to table FI2 for the bank slip at issue, in which the fields FI2_BORAPI = S and FI2_OPEAPI = A
  6. To cancel the bank slip, just remove the bill from the bordereau, then a record is saved to table FI2 for the bill at issue, in which fields FI2_BORAPI = S and FI2_OPEAPI = C
  7. When you run the job FINA713, the editing or cancellation is transmitted and you can monitor their statuses through the Monitor of Bank Slips with Pending Issues - FINA710


  • SA6 - Banks

A6_CFGBOL - Layout Configuration.

A6_CFGAPI - Enabled for API use.

A6_BCOOFI - Code in Central Bank.

  • SEA - Bills Sent to the Bank 

EA_BORAPI - Bordereau for Transmission by API.

EA_TRANSF - Transfer Status.

EA_APIMSG - API Message.


EA_APIMAIL - E-mail Sending Status.

EA_SUBCTA - Subaccount for transmission by API.

EA_ESPECIE - Kind for transmission by API.

  • AI0 - Customer Complements

AI0_RECBOL - Receive Bank Slip by E-mail?

AI0_EMABOL - List of E-mails, separated by semicolon.

  • FWP - Collection Letters  

FWP_TXTASS - E-mail Subject.

  • SE1 - Accounts receivable 
  • SEE - Bank Parameters

EE_CODCOB1 - Collection Instruction Code for Banco Itaú Collection

EE_CODCOB1 - Collection Instruction Code for Banco Itaú Collection

EE_CODCOB1 - Collection Instruction Code for Banco Itaú Collection

EE_ITAUPRT - Number of Days of Bank Slip Protest

EE_ITAUDEV - Number of Days for Bank Slip Return

EE_ITAUNAO - Number of Days for Not Receiving Bank Slip

EE_FORMEN1 -Collection Instruction for Bank Slip (Formula)

EE_FORMEN2 -Collection Instruction for Bank Slip (Formula)

EE_FOREXT1 -Collection Instruction for Bank Slip (Formula)

EE_DIASPRT -Number of Days of Bank Slip Protest

EE_DIASREC -Number of Days for Bank Slip Return

  • FI2 - CNAB Occurrences

FI2_BORAPI - Define whether Occurrence is Online Record (API)

FI2_OPEAPI - Define which operation to transmit in occurrence (A = Editing, C = Cancellation)

FI2_APIMSG - Json of sending and return of online transmission with bank.

FI2_APILOG - Bank Return Message


  • MV_NGFCART - Code of collection letter used when sending bank slips by e-mail.