Páginas filhas
  • Product Groups (MATR036 - SIGACOM)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This report shows data of product group register, such as: group code, group description,   standard picture of the group related to the part of automaker/supplier (edit mask), status of the parts joined in this group (new, remanufactured, recycled, etc.), groups related, type of group, etc.

Type of group can be classified in:

  1. Parts
  2. Lubricant and Fuel
  3. Tires and Inner Tubes
  4. Services
  5. Other Brands
  6. Direct Application
  7. Vehicles
  8. Original Accessories
  9. Non-original Accessories
  10. Used Engines



Generating the list of product groups:

1. In the generation window of the report Product Groups, click Parameters and fill out the fields concerning:

. Key

. From

. To

2. Check data and confirm them.


Confirm them by clicking Ok or Save, if you want to save this file.


See alsoAlso
