Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.
Comentário: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
Composition Setup

Códigos de erro da classe TMailManager
Códigos de erro da classe TMailManager

Códigos de erro da classe TMailManager

Lista com os códigos de erro da classe TMailManager.

Erro/Código de erroDescrição
SUCCESS = 0'Operation completed successfully.';
ERROR = 1'Operation failed.'
// Connection errors 
CONNECT_FAILED = 2'The connection failed.';
CONNECT_REJECTED = 3'The connection was rejected.';
CONNECT_TERMINATED = 4'The connection was terminated.';
CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5'The connection timed-out.';
NOCONNECTION = 6'There was no connection.';
NAME_LOOKUP_FAILED = 7'Name lookup failed.';
DATAPORT_FAILED = 8'Data port could not be opened.';
ACCEPT_FAILED = 9'Accept failed.';
// Server errors  
SVR_REQUEST_DENIED = 10'The request was denied by the server.';
SVR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 11'The request is not supported by the server.';
SVR_NO_RESPONSE = 12'There was no response from the server.';
SVR_ACCESS_DENIED = 13'Permission denied by the server.';
SVR_DATA_CONNECT_FAILED = 14'The Server failed to connect on the data port.';
// Socket errors 
SOCK_NOT_OPEN = 15'The socket is not opened.';
SOCK_ALREADY_OPEN = 16'The socket is already opened or in use.';
SOCK_CREATE_FAILED = 17'The socket creation failed.';
SOCK_BIND_FAILED = 18'The socket binding to local port failed.';
SOCK_CONNECT_FAILED = 19'The socket connection failed.';
SOCK_TIMEOUT = 20'A timeout occurred.';
SOCK_RECEIVE_ERROR = 21'A receive socket error occurred.';
SOCK_SEND_ERROR = 22'Winsock send command failed.';
SOCK_LISTEN_ERROR = 23'The listen process failed.';
CLIENT_RESET = 24'A client socket closure  caused a failure.';
SERVER_RESET = 25'A server socket closure caused failure.';
// File errors 
FILE_TYPE_ERROR = 26'An error occurred as a result of an invalid file type.';
FILE_OPEN_ERROR = 27'An error occurred as a result of not being able to open a file.';
FILE_CREATE_ERROR = 28'An error occurred as a result of not being able to create a file.';
FILE_READ_ERROR = 29'A file read error occurred.';
FILE_WRITE_ERROR = 30'A file write error occurred.';
FILE_CLOSE_ERROR = 31'Error trying to close file.';
FILE_ERROR = 32'There was no output file name provided, and no output file name was included with the attachment.';
FILE_FORMAT_ERROR = 33'File format error.';
FILE_TMP_NAME_FAILED = 34'Get temporary file name failed.';
// Buffer errors 
BUFFER_TOO_SHORT = 35'An error resulted due to the buffer being too short.';
NULL_PARAM = 36'An error resulted due to a NULL buffer';
// Response errors 
INVALID_RESPONSE = 37'An error occurred as a result of an invalid or negative response.';
NO_RESPONSE = 38'There was no response.';
// Index errors 
INDEX_OUTOFRANGE = 39'The index value was out of range.';
// User validation errors 
USER_ERROR = 40'The user name was invalid.';
PASSWORD_ERROR = 41'The password was invalid.';
// Message errors  
INVALID_MESSAGE = 42'This is a malformed message.';
INVALID_FORMAT = 43'Invalid format.';
FILE_NOT_MIME = 44'Not a MIME file.';
// URL errors 
BAD_URL = 45'A bad URL was given.';
// Command errors 
INVALID_COMMAND = 46 'An invalid command.'; 
MAIL_FAILED = 47'MAIL command failed.';
RETR_FAILED = 48'The RETR command failed.';
PORT_FAILED = 49'The PORT command failed.';
LIST_FAILED =  50'The LIST command failed.';
STOR_FAILED = 51'The STOR command failed.';
DATA_FAILED = 52'The DATA command failed.';
USER_FAILED =  53'The USER command failed.';
HELLO_FAILED = 54'The HELLO command failed.';
PASS_FAILED = 55'The PASS command failed.';
STAT_FAILED = 56'The STAT command failed.';
TOP_FAILED = 57'The TOP command failed.';
UIDL_FAILED = 58'The UIDL command failed.';
DELE_FAILED = 59'The DELE command failed.';
RSET_FAILED = 60'The RSET command failed.';
XOVER_FAILED = 61'The XOVER command failed.';
USER_NA = 62'The USER command was not accepted.';
PASS_NA = 63'The PASS command was not accepted.';
ACCT_NA =  64'The ACCT command was not accepted.';
RNFR_NA =  65'The RNFR command not accepted.';
RNTO_NA =  66'The RNTO command not accepted.';
RCPT_FAILED =  67'The RCPT command failed. The specified account does not exsist.';
NNTP_BAD_ARTICLE =  68'Bad article, posting rejected by server';
NNTP_NOPOSTING =  69'Posting is not allowed.';
NNTP_POST_FAILED =  70'Posting rejected by server';
XOVER_COMMAND_FAILED = 73'The XOVER command failed.';
// Message errors 
MSG_OPEN_FAILED = 74'Can't open message data source.';
MSG_CLOSE_FAILED = 75'Close message data source failed.';
MSG_READ_LINE_FAILED = 76'Failed to read a line from the message data source.';
MSG_WRITE_LINE_FAILED = 77'Failed to write a line to the message data source.';
MSG_NO_ATTACHMENTS = 78'There is no any attachments in the message data source.';
MSG_BODY_TOO_BIG = 79'Message body exceeds maximum length.';
MSG_ATTACHMENT_ADD_FAILED = 80'Failed to add attachment to the message.';
// Data source errors 
DS_OPEN_FAILED = 81'Failed to open data source.';
DS_CLOSE_FAILED = 82'Failed to close data source.';
DS_WRITE_FAILED = 83'Failed to write to the data source.';
// Encoding errors 
ENCODING_INVALID_CHAR = 84'Invalid character in the stream.';
ENCODING_LINE_TOO_LONG = 85'Too many characters on one line.';
// IMAP4 errors 
LOGIN_FAILED = 86'Server login failed. Username or password invalid.';
NOOP_FAILED = 87'NOOP command failed.';
UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 88'Command unknown or arguments invalid.';
UNKNOWN_RESPONSE = 89'Unknown response.';
AUTH_OR_SELECTED_STATE_REQUIRED = 90'You must login first.';
SELECTED_STATE_REQUIRED = 91'You must select the mailbox first.';
//RAS Errors 
RAS_LOAD_ERROR = 92'Unable to load the required RAS DLLs';
RAS_DIAL_ERROR = 93'An error occurred during the dialing process';
RAS_DIALINIT_ERROR = 94'An error occurred when attempting to dial';
RAS_HANDLE_ERROR = 95'An invalid RAS handle was given';
RAS_ENUM_ERROR = 96'An error occurred when performing a RAS enumeration';
RAS_ENTRYNAME_ERROR = 97'An invalid or non-existant RAS entry name was given';
// Unclassified errors 
ABORTED = 98'Aborted by user.';
BAD_HOSTNAME = 99'A bad hostname format.';
INVALID_ADDRESS = 100'The address is not valid.';
INVALID_ADDRESS_FORMAT = 101'The address format is not valid.';
USER_TERMINATED = 102'User terminated the process.';
ANS_NOT_FOUND = 103'The authorized name server was not found.';
SERVER_SET_NAME_FAILED = 104'Failed to set the server name.';
PARAMETER_TOO_LONG = 105'Parameter too long.';
PARAMETER_INVALID_VALUE = 106'Invalid value of the parameter.';
TEMP_FILENAME_FAILED = 107'Get temorary filename failed.';
OUT_OF_MEMORY = 108'Out of memory.';
GROUP_INFO_UPDATE_FAILED = 109'Update of group information failed.';
GROUP_NOT_SELECTED = 110'No selected news group.';
INTERNAL_ERROR = 111 'Internal error.';
ALREADY_IN_USE = 112'Already in use.';
NO_CURRENT_MSG_SET = 113'No current message set.';
QUOTE_LINE_IS_EMPTY = 114'The Quote Command was empty';
REST_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = 115'The REST command is not supported by the server';
SYSTEM_INFO_LOAD_FAILED = 116'Failed to load system information.';
USER_INFO_LOAD_FAILED = 117'Failed to load user information.';
USER_NAME_ALREDY_EXIST = 118'with this name is alredy existing.';
MAILBOX_NAME_ALREDY_EXIST = 119'with this name is alredy existing.';
AUTH_FAILED = 120'Authentication failed.';
AUTH_SERVER_NOT_CAPABLE = 121'Server not capable to do authentication (Extended SMTP needed).';
AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 122'Authentication method is not supported, only LOGIN and NTLM are supported';