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The objective of this guide is to present the procedures required to use controlled copies.



The requirements to use the controlled copy are:

  • The Controlled copy printing of Microsoft® Office files (Word and Excel®), does not work in Linux®, because it requires Microsoft® Office installed on the server and client. Remember that for machines with 64-bit operating systems, you must use the 64-bit Microsoft® Office.
  • To use the controlled copy with a server running Windows 7, or Windows server 2008, it is extremely important to update from Windows Update. Some essential components for the controlled copy process do not come by default with the installation of Windows and Office, and it is necessary to update them so these packages are installed. 
  • To update the properties of the file, it is necessary to mark the attribute Update Controlled copy properties? at the posting of the document, as shown in the figure.

Controlled copy

In some installations, the following error occurs: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: null" when printing Microsoft® Office documents. In this case, some settings must be made on the service:


    • On the Windows® service screen, access the properties of the Fluig service, as shown in the image below:



    • You must configure an administrator user to execute the service.


    • Make sure that this user has full control over the directories of the volume. 


    • On the Windows® service screen, it is also necessary that the Print Spooler service is started on the machines where the printing will be carried out.



    • You will need to run the Windows® Component Services. This program is responsible for the management of COM integration components within Windows®. Access Execute or access any operating system prompt and type: dcomcnfg.



    • In this program, execute the following steps to configure Microsoft® Excel® files:
        • Expand the Component Services option.
        • Expand the Computers option.
        • Expand the My computer option.
        • Click the DCOM config item.
        • In the list of components that will appear on the right, look for Microsoft Excel application.
        • Right-click the component and select Properties.



    • Select the Identity tab and then select the Interactive user option.



    • On the Security tab, select the option Customize for all types of security and click Edit. In each group, add the user Everyone. As the screenshots below:



    • For Microsoft ® Word documents, follow the same procedures as for Microsoft ® Excel ®, just by selecting the Microsoft Word document 97-2003 item from the list of components.




    • After configuring Microsoft® Office files in Component Services, if the operating system is Windows 64 bits, create the Desktop folder in the directories C:\Windows\System32\config\ and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\ on the server.




     On some machines with 64-bit operating systems, Microsoft® Office components are not created in Component Services for 64-bit, but rather for 32-bit. To view the 32-bit Component Services, the following procedures must be executed.


    •  Run the Management Console for 32-bit:



    • Add the Component Services to Management Console, as in the images below:



    • By clicking OK, the Component Services Console will appear, then simply follow the previous instructions and configure the components of the Microsoft® Office files:




    If you want the Component Services to always be displayed in the Console, it is necessary to save these settings using the Save option, informing a directory to store the Console.msc file. And when you run the Management Console again, open this file.


    PDF files

    When using PDF files, there may be situations when the controlled copy is not printed, when it involves Linux ® server and Windows ® client. This can occur due to IP mapping. To detect this situation, we recommend that you simulate the situation as follows:

    (a) Open the Java™ console and copy the URL of the file located right after the String printDocument;

    (b) paste the URL on the browser and check if the file opens normally.

    If the Java Console isn´t enabled, you can enable it in the Java Control panel.

    Variables for use in Controlled copy

    Properties that update when the document is displayed:

    Variable Description
    Webdesk.Author Author of the document
    Webdesk.active Active document
    Webdesk.Document Document code


    Publisher of the document

    Document version

    Webdesk.Description Document description 
    Webdesk.DestinationArea Area 
    Webdesk.ApprovedOn Date when the document was approved
    Webdesk.CreationDate Document creation date 
    Webdesk.ExpiresOn Document expiration date 
    Webdesk.FirstVersionDate Date of first version 
    Webdesk.LastUpdateDate Last Updated: 

    Properties that update when the document is printed:

    Variable Description
    Webdesk.PrintDate Print Date 
    Webdesk.PrintedDocument.AreaResponsible  Responsible for the area 
    Webdesk.PrintedDocument.Description Document description
    Webdesk.PrintedDocument.Number Document number
    Webdesk.PrintedDocument.Version Document version 
    Webdesk.PrintedDocument.PrintRequester Requester/Requestor 



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