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Objective of the Component Center

The Component Center is a functionality in Fluig that allows the customization of components available in the system. You can download the desired component, customize it and send it back to Fluig. The Download option is available only for a few components.

Component Download

In order to customize a component, it is necessary to download it first.

    • In order to download the component, select it and click on “Download” on the top action bar.

    Component Development

    After downloading the widget, the developer must perform the following steps before starting to change the widget.

    1. Decompress the .zip file
    2. Import the Maen project through the pom.xml in Eclipse or your favorite IDE
    3. In the application.info file, change the following parameters:
      1. application.code=NOME_DA_SUA_WIDGET
      2. locale.file.base.name=NOME_DA_SUA_WIDGET
      3. Remove the parameter application.extendible=true
      4. Add the parameter application.origincode=NOME_DA_WIDGET_ORIGINAL. Example: socialtimeline.
    4. Change the name of internationalization files in directory src/main/resources, substituting the name of the current widget with the name of your widget:
      1. *.properties to NOME_DA_WIDGET.properties
      2. *_en_US.properties to NOME_DA_WIDGET_en_US.properties
      3. *_es.properties to NOME_DA_WIDGET_es.properties
      4. *_pt_BR.properties to NOME_DA_WIDGET_pt_BR.properties
    5. Change the context of the Web project in file jboss-web.xml located in directory src/main/webapp/WEB-INF:
      1. <context-root>/NOME_DA_WIDGET</context-root>

    Ready. The widget is ready to be customized and compiled for the upload to be made.

    Add a Component

    In order to add a component in Fluig, login as a Fluig or Company Manager.

    Follow these steps:

      • Go to: Control panel/WCM/Component Center.

      • Click on "Choose File" to select the desired Component.

      • After selecting the file, click on "Send".

      • After clicking on "Send", the component will be added to the component list.

      Enable/Disable a Component

        • Select the component you wish to enable and click on the top action menu “Enable”.

        • Select the component you wish to disable and click on the top action menu “Disable”.






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