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Speaking of events ...

This feature allows for managing created events and also accepting or declining invitations to other users’ events.

In the tab Invitations, you can follow the events to which you have received an invitation to attend as well as view the information related to these events and their available sessions. In this tab you can also decline the invitation to an event and confirm or cancel attendance in a session of an event, in addition to view the events that were created by the user himself, allowing the choice of session and edition of the event and sessions.

Events created by the users themselves are also displayed in the tab My Events in which they can manage them.

Through the tab concluded, it is possible to monitor the events that have already been concluded and view their information and closing considerations.

Events whose invitations have been declined are displayed in the tab Declined, which allows users to cancel that and request participation in the event again.

Finally, once the session has ended, the tab attended sessions displays the event sessions that the user attended, allowing for viewing their information, supporting material, participants, among others.


Basic Path


01. In the main menu, press Learning.

02. Click Events.

03. View invitations to events, created events, check events that have ended and those that were declined, as well as view information related to event sessions the user have attended.


Alternative Paths


Create event


01. Click Create event.

02. Enter the requested information to the event.

The requested information is:

Name of the event that will be created.

Description of the event that will be created.

Guests may not attend more than one event session
When checked, specifies that each guest may confirm presence in only one of the sessions of the event.

03. Press Send image to enter an image for the event.

04. In the Upload window, press Select file.

It is recommended to use an image that is of size 128 x 128 pixels. 

05. Find and select the image in the workstation.

06. Press Send.

When pressing Send, the image is presented in the corresponding table.

To remove the added image, press Remove

07. In the table guests, press Add.

08. In the window guests, enter the name of the user to be invited to the event.

09. Select the user in the displayed listing and press Add.

You can enter a group of users, a subject or a class as a guest. In this case, all users who belong to the entered item will be invited to the event.

To remove an entered guest, it is necessary to select and press Remove.

When removing a guest that has already accessed a session’s virtual room, they are removed from the room and cannot access it again. 

10. In the supporting material table, click Add.

11. In the contents window, enter the name of the content that will be used as supporting material for the event.

12. Select the content in the displayed listing and press Add.

The inserted contents for a session are automatically loaded into all event sessions.

To remove an entered content, it is necessary to select and press Remove

13. Click Save and create sessions to create the event and begin creating sessions for it, or click Cancel if you wish to quit creating the event.

To save the event and create sessions later, press Save.

After confirming the creation of the event, it becomes available in the tab my events, where it is possible to edit it and create or edit its sessions. 

14. Enter the requested information to the session.

The requested information are:

Name of the session that is being created for the event.

Date of session
Date that the event session will be held.

Unlimited amount of users
When checked, determines that there is no limit of participants to this session.

Maximum amount of users
Maximum number of participants allowed for the session. When editing the session, this number cannot be lower than the amount of participants already confirmed for the session. This field is not displayed when the field unlimited Amount of Users is checked.

Event type
Way in which the event will be conducted. The available options are:

  • Virtual room: When selected, it specifies that the event will be held in virtual form, allowing participants to interact with each other in real time. In this case, the Messaging feature must be active on the platform;
  • On-site: When selected, it specifies that the event will be held on site, i.e., participants need to move to the location where the event will be held.

Open virtual room X minutes before the event session
Time, in minutes, in which the participants will be able to access the virtual session before the official start of the event.

Length of the event session in hours.

Description of the event session.

15. In the table special guests, click Add.

16. In the window special guests, enter the name of the user to be invited to that event session.

17. Select the user in the displayed listing and press Add.

To remove a registered special guest, it is necessary to select it and press Remove

18. In the supporting material table, click Add.

19. In the contents window, enter the name of the content that will be used as a supporting material in the event session.

20. Select the content in the displayed listing and press Add.

To remove an entered content, it is necessary to select and press Remove

21. Press Save.

To save the current session and enter a new one, click Add/save current one.

To return to the event, press Back.


Edit Event


01. Click the tab My events.

02. In the table corresponding to the event that will be edited, press Edit.

03. Change the chosen information.

Find information about the displayed fields in the alternative path create event. 

04. Click Save to confirm your changes, Save and create sessions to create or edit event sessions or Cancel if you wish to discard the changes made.


Remove event


01. Press the Invitations tab.

02. In the table corresponding to the event that will be removed, press Remove.

03. In the displayed message, press Yes to confirm event removal.

When removing an event that has virtual sessions, these sessions and their virtual rooms are also removed, as well as the entire history for the respective conversations.


Edit session


01. Click the tab My events.

02. In the table corresponding to the event from which the session will be edited, click Edit Sessions.

03. Change the chosen information.

Find information about the displayed fields in the alternative path create event.

04. Press Save.


Close session


01. In the Task Central, select the task that corresponds to the session you want to close in the Learning Activities tab.

02. In the Session minutes table, enter the information you want to be included in the session closing minutes.

03. Press Session closing.

04. In the displayed message, press Yes to confirm session closing.

When ending a virtual session of an event, your virtual room is deleted from messaging and its access task is removed from the participants’ Task Central.

The session minutes can be found in the My sessions tab, by pressing Session information.


Remove session


01. Click the tab My events.

02. In the table corresponding to the event from which the session will be removed, click Edit sessions.

03. Click Remove session, located on the right corner, next to the name of the session to be removed.

When removing a virtual session, its entire history is also removed, including its virtual room and the messaging conversation history.


RSVP to an event


01. Press the tab Invitations.

02. In the table corresponding to the event which the user will RSVP, press Select sessions.

03. In the table corresponding to the session which the user will RSVP, press RSVP, located in the lower right corner.

In the table corresponding to each session, it is possible to view the date and time of the event, its description and how many places are left – in case the number of participants is limited.

It is also possible to check the diary around the date of the session by accessing Click here to view your diary, located on the lower left side of the table of the session.

To view the guests who RSVP to the session, press View RSVP guests, located in the lower right corner of the table of the session. 

04. In the window RSVP, press Yes to confirm the attendance in the event session; or No to opt out of the event.

After RSVPing to an event session, it is displayed in the tab Attended Sessions.

It is also possible to RSVP to an event via Task Central, from the task “Invitation to the event [Event name]”.

If the session is virtual, the participation can be confirmed even after its start. In this case, the participant receives a new conversation notification on the platform’s top bar, from which they can enter the event’s virtual room. 


Cancel attendance in an event


01. Press the tab Invitations.

02. In the table corresponding to the event whose attendance will be canceled, press Select sessions.

03. In the table corresponding to the session whose attendance you wish to cancel, press Cancel attendance.

04. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the cancellation of attendance in the session; or No to opt out.

After confirming the cancellation of the session attendance, it will be removed from the tab Attended Sessions


Decline event


01. Press the tab Invitations.

02. In the table corresponding to the event that will be declined, click Select sessions.

03. Click Decline event, located at the end of the listing that displays the sessions available for the event.

After declining an event, it will be displayed in the tabDeclined and removed from the tab Invitations.

It is also possible to decline an event via task central, from the task “Invitation to the event [Event name]”. 


Attend declined event


01. Press the tab Declined.

02. In the table corresponding to the declined event, press Attend.

When pressing Attend, the event will be presented in the tab Invitations

03. Press the tab Invitations and confirm the attendance in a event session.

Find more information in the alternative path RSVP to an event. 


View Information on closed session


01. Press the tab Attended sessions.

02. In the table corresponding to the session whose information you wish to view, click Session information.

03. View information related to the session that is now closed.

In addition to the event’s basic information and statistics, it is possible to view its supporting material and the closing minutes of the session. 


View information of the closed event


01. Press tab Concluded.

02. In the table corresponding to the session whose information you wish to view, press Event information.

03. View information related to the event that is now closed.

It is possible view, in addition to the basic information of the event, the material used to support and the minutes of each session. 



Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.



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