Speaking of Converting Requests...
The purpose of that feature is to convert requests opened in older process versions to newer versions. This is done by mapping the older version process activities to the newer version activities. So the old process request receives all features and activities from the newer version with a simple conversion.
Expand/hide additional information.Basic Path
01. From the main menu, click Processes.
02. Click Convert requests.
03. Select the process that contains the requests started in an old version, which you want to convert to a new one.
04. Select the version of the process to convert its requests.
05. Click Next, located in the upper right corner of the window.
06. Select the target version, that is, the version to which the requests that are in the source version will be converted.
07. For each source version activity, select a target version activity.
By converting the request, all pending tasks are finished and new tasks are created for the target activities.
Once the conversion is complete, you can view the log and check whether it was performed successfully.