Páginas filhas
  • Validating Values (CTBA101 - SIGACTB)

There are many ways for validating values of a typed entry. All of them depend on parameterization.

Configure parameters according to your needs:

MV_CONTSB (Account without Tallying)

  • Content = Y -> Accounts entry without debit tallying with credit. In this case, the system accounts the entry and does not generate any warning regarding the difference.
  • Content = N -> Does not allow accounting if debit does not tally with credit. The procedure in the system will depend on the content of parameter described below.


  • Content = Y -> Does not allow accounting of the entry if debit does not tally with credit. In this case, the system does not allow confirming the entry and only proceeds to accounting when debit and credit values entered tally.
  • Content = N -> The system displays a Debit and Credit do not tally warning and requests user's confirmation. If user confirms it, the entry is saved even though unbalanced.

Question Check Entry 1/2?

  • Content = Yes -> Does not allow accounting of the entry if debit does not tally with credit. In this case, the system does not allow confirming the entry and only proceeds with accounting when debit and credit values entered tally. Only debit or only credit entries are not accepted.
  • Content = No -> The system displays a Debit and Credit do not tally warning and requests user's confirmation. If user confirms it, the entry is saved even without tallying.


These validations are not performed when entry type is Pre-entry.