Part B must include:

=> Records of loss control are kept, to be compensated in subsequent periods (loss calculated in the taxable income statement, not the accounting loss), as well as control records of: encouraged depreciation, mineral depletion based on the gross income, and exclusion of other values that may influence in determining the taxable income of future period and that are not included in the commercial accounting. Furthermore, it must also include values referring to the inflationary profit calculated up to 12/31/95 and deferred for later taxation, under the terms of tax legislation.

Although they do no constitute values to be excluded from the net profit, but deductible from the due tax, a control of exceeding values must be kept. These values are used in calculation of deductions in subsequent years and in expense accounts with worker meal programs (RIR/99, art. 582 and IN SRF n. 28/78).


From 1/1/96 on, no monetary update is applied to values controlled in Part B of LALUR and which must be registered in the taxable income determination of a future period. Values in Part B of LALUR on 12/31/95 must be monetarily adjusted up to this date, based on the UFIR of 1/1/96 (R$ 0.8287), even if these values happen to be added, excluded or compensated afterwards (Law n. 9,249/95, art. 6).