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Speaking of Connect – Explore...

The Explore tab is shown when accessing the Connect application or after defining first-access settings.

This tab is a Connect document explorer featuring document management actions.

Available actions are shown on the top of the window. Namely:

 Download: allows downloading documents from the remote repository;

 Checkin: allows performing document checkin, sending all changes made in the local directory to the remote repository;

 Checkout: allows performing document checkoutfrom the remote repository to locally edit them;

 Synchronize: allows synchronizing the local and remote repositories, obtaining new documents from the local repository, deleting documents from the local repository whenever permissions are removed, and downloading recent document versions, among others;

 Reload: allows reloading the local and remote document structures;

 Preferences: allows defining Connect use preferences. Preference options are defined during the application’s first-access setup, but they can be subsequently edited through this option.

Local repository documents (documents obtained from the remote depository via Connect) are displayed to the left of the window.

The platform’s official and remote repository is displayed to the right of the window. This area shows all documents for which the user has minimum permissions (i.e. documents with at least viewing permission).

The explorer’s footer shows details of the currently viewed folder or document, such as:


 document file type;

 synchronization status; that is, whether the document is updated based on the official repository;




 creation date.

Documents and folders can be moved through the structure by dragging and dropping.

Basic Path

01. In the Connect application, click the Explore tab.

02. View local documents, located in the Local chart, and documents posted in the platform repository, located in the Remote chart.

Viewing Remote chart contents is conditioned to the user’s permissions in folders and documents posted in the official platform repository.

Download document

01. Select the document to be downloaded from the Remote chart.

02. Click Download, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

Documents can also be downloaded in two other ways:

  • through the context menu: by right-clicking the mouse over the document and selecting Download;
  • drag and drop: by selecting the document and dragging it to the desired local repository directory. 

03. View the document in the Local chart.

In the Remote chart, the downloaded document is marked as “(R)”, indicating that such document is also available in the local repository. 

Document checkout

01. Select the document for checkout.

The document may be selected either in the remote document chart or the local directory, in case it has already been downloaded. 

02. Click Checkout, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

Document checkout procedures can also be performed by right-clicking the mouse and selecting Checkout in the context menu. 

03. In the window displayed, enter a comment indicating the reason for the document checkout.

04. Click Checkout.

Upon clicking Checkout, a copy of the document is created in the My documents > Checkout directory, in order to ensure all required changes are securely applied. Documents in checkout are marked as “(C)” for identification purposes.

Only perform a document checkout if the document is updated in the local repository (i.e. same version in the remote repository). Otherwise, the document must be updated before the checkout process. 

Document checkin

01. In the My documents > Checkout directory of the local chart, select the document for checkin.

02. Click Checkin, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

Document checkin procedures can also be performed by right-clicking the mouse and selecting Checkin in the context menu. 

03. Enter the requested information in the displayed window.


Detailed changes applied to the document submitted to checkin. The field is mandatory.

Version control

Version control method applied to the document. Available options are:

  • New review: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new reviewed version of the current document. It is normally used when the document has a slight change. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new review
  • New version: when it is selected, all changes made result in a new document version. It is normally used when the document has a substantial change in content. As you choose this option, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date will be changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version.
  • Maintain version: when selected, the current document version is maintained. It is used when the current document is no longer valid and it is necessary to replace all of the current content with new, updated content. If the document requires approval, the document’s previous content continues to be displayed until the new version/review is approved. As you choose the “Maintain review” option, the contents of the document can be changed and the date that the original version was created can be maintained, without creating a new version of the document.

Version/review description:

Description of the new version or review to be applied to the document.

04. Select Send.

Upon clicking Send, the document is updated in the platform’s official document repository. 

Document checkout

01. Select the document whose checkout will be canceled.

02. Right-click the mouse button over the document and select Cancel checkout.

After canceling a document checkout, all changes made to such document are discarded and the current version is restored from the official repository. 

Update document without checkout

01. In the Local chart, select the document to be updated in the remote repository.

02. Right-click the mouse button over the document and select Send to Fluig in the context menu displayed.

Updating documents without performing the checkout procedure may overwrite changes made by other users.

Create document

01. Access the directory corresponding to the Connect repository in the workstation and create a new document.

02. Move the document from the directory corresponding to the Connect repository in the workstation to the desired directory in the Local chart.

The document is displayed in bold in the local document structure, indicating that it is a new document and is still not available in the remote repository. 

03. In the remote document structure, select the document’s target location.

04. In the local structure, select the new document and right-click the mouse over it.

05. Click Send to Fluig in the context menu displayed.

After selecting this option, the new document is no longer shown in bold in the local repository, and will now be shown in the remote repository marked with “(R)”, which indicates that it is also available in the local repository. 

06. View the new document in the remote document structure.

Open document

01. In the Local chart, select the document to be viewed.

02. Right-click the mouse button over the document and select Open in the context menu displayed.

It is also possible to open the directory corresponding to the local repository from the document. For such, click Open in Explorer in the context menu displayed. 

03. View document.

Delete document.

01. In the Local chart, select the document to be deleted.

02. Right-click the mouse button over the document and select Delete in the context menu displayed.

03. Select the desired delete option.

Available document deletion options are:

  • Delete local: this option only deletes the document from the local repository.
  • Delete fluig: this option deletes the document from the local and remote repositories. 

Synchronize local and remote directories

01. Click Synchronize, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

By selecting this option, the local and remote repositories are updated based on specific changes made to each of them; that is, new documents are sent to the remote repository, local documents whose permissions were removed in the remote repository are deleted, and current versions are downloaded to the local repository, among other actions.
The user must be online in order to ensure a successful synchronization process. 

Reload local and remote directories

01. Click Reload, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

Upon selecting this option, the directory structure of the local and remote document repositories is updated.
Documents changed locally without the checkout/checkin process will be updated with the official remote repository version, and a message will be displayed indicating conflicting document versions.
If the user’s permissions are changed in the official repository, applicable security settings are applied during update procedures. 

Define user preferences

01. Click Preferences, located in the list of actions available on the top of the window.

02. In the General tab, define the desired preferences.

Show notifications
This option enables the desktop notifications feature and warnings regarding platform actions are received in the operating system’s notifications area.
Default Connect language. 

03. Click Close session to change server settings, if desired.

04. In Enter your account address, enter the URL of the platform server in which the official document repository is located.

05. Click the settings icon located on the upper right corner of the window, which redirects the user to the Proxy tab.

06. In the Proxy tab, set the desired settings.

Run Fluig Connect during system startup
When selected, this option runs Connect during the operating system startup.
Local directory to manage documents through Connect. By default, Connect automatically creates a repository in the user’s private directory; however, this directory can be changed.
No proxy server
This option prevents Connect from using any proxy servers.
Automatically detect proxy server
This option allows Connect to use the browser’s proxy settings.
This option determines that the proxy settings will be customized, requiring the user to enter the protocol type, address, port, user name and password. 

07. Click OK.


This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.

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