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Speaking of users...

User is defined as a person that performs public or private functions within the institution. Users may be employees, administrators, participants, students, teachers, monitors, or mentors.

The top of the screen displays the total number of registered, active and locked users, in the accessed company.

Below is the list containing the registered users on the platform. By default, upon reaching 31 registered users, the platform automatically creates a second page for the list. You can change the number of registered users to be viewed per page from 30 to 50, 75 or 100.

On this screen you can also add, edit, and activate/deactivate users, see below the paths to perform these procedures.

It is not possible to remove users from the platform, but it is possible to deactivate them.

Add user

01. In the Control panel feature, click the General tab and click on Users.

02. Click Add.

In this tab, all fields with * are mandatory.

03. Enter the e-mail.

This is the e-mail to which the user's notifications are sent. The e-mail is sent to the users that have the subject determined for this document, as being of interest.

If the subject determined for the document is a mandatory subject, it will not be possible to restrict the delivery of email; thus, all active users will receive notification of the post.

04. Insert the login for the user to access the platform.

05. Insert registration.

The registration is unique.

06. Enter the password.

07. Confirm the password.

08. Enter the external user identifier.

The external identifier is the user identifier on a system that is integrated into the platform.

When there is integration with Identity, the identifier corresponding to the user in the Identity is displayed in this field, and it is not possible to edit it.

When there is integration with the TOTVS RM Educational system, the user identifier on this system is displayed in this field, and it cannot be edited, either.

If these two integrations are present, the identifier presented will be the one from Identity.

If none of the aforementioned integrations are present, the field is enabled to be filled out, and can be used to relate an identifier from any other system external to the user.

09. Enter the first name.

10. Enter the last name.

11. Select the time zone to which the user will be connected.

12. Click Register groups to enter the groups to be joined by the user.

13. On the Groups screen, click Add.

14. Select the groups of which the user will be part.

If many groups are registered, you can filter them by using the upper bar at the Add Group window. To do so, just enter the name or a word contained in the group name. It is also possible to browse the pages.

15. On the Add group screen, click Save.

16. To remove it, just select the desired group and click Remove.

17. On the Groups screen, click Save again.

18. To add more information, you should click Register additional information.

It is possible to add specific fields for a group.

E.g.: Gender or home address.

19. Enter the relationship clouds to be joined by the user.

This field is only displayed if the relationship cloud feature is enabled.

The default relationship cloud is suggested for the user. However, it is possible to change and define more than one relationship cloud.

More information can be obtained in Relationship cloud.

20. Click Register roles to enter the roles of which the users will be part.

The Workflow Roles can be configured and each user can have more than one role, as entered in the users' registration.

21. On the Roles screen, click Add.

22. Select the roles of which the user will be part.

If many roles are registered, you can filter them by using the upper bar at the Add Role window. To do so, just enter the name or a word contained in the role name. It is also possible to browse the pages. All users created on the platform are automatically assigned to the “user” role, which cannot be deleted or edited.

23. On the Add role screen, click Save.

24. To remove, just select the desired role and click Remove.

25. On the Role screen, click Save again.

26. Select the document standard language.

The default language determines which language will be suggested when the user submits posts. The standard language is also used in searches made by the user.

27. Select the physical volume.

This volume refers to registered volumes. In this volume, information related to the user's private folder will be stored.

28. In Quota for My documents (MB), define the maximum storage size – in megabytes – allowed for the user's personal folder.

This field is only displayed when the quota control is active on the platform. Information on this feature can be obtained from Quota control.

29. Enter the projects in which the user has participated.

30. Enter the user's specialties.

31. Select the Workflow work group.

Work group is used by Assignment Mechanism for User's Groups where it is possible to distribute workflow tasks for users related to the user in question.

32. Select whether a notification e-mail will be sent in html format.

If this field is not selected, the e-mail is sent in text format.

33. Click Save.

Edit user

01. In the Control panel feature, click the General tab and click on Users.

02. Select the user you want to change.

03. Press Edit.

04. Edit information about the User.

The system does not allow you to change the Login field.

05. Click Save.

Enable/Disable User

01. In the Control panel feature, click the General tab and click on Users.

02. Select the user you want to enable or disable.

03. Click Enable/Disable.

04. Click Confirm.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the Waterdorp (1.6.4) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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