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Speaking of calculating evaluation grades...

The maximum question score in an evaluation will always be 1.0 point. To achieve that score, all the student’s answers to the question must be correct (100%).

The sum of the points assigned to alternatives constitutes 100% of a question grade. From that total, you can calculate the grade based on the percentage of each alternative selected by the student.

For example, if the sum of the alternatives in a question is 20, 20 points represent 100% (1.0). If half of the alternatives are correct, the student will get half of the total points (10) and therefore, 50% of the question score (0.5).

In certain types of questions, you can define different scores for the alternatives. This score, together with the number of alternatives added to the question, defines the percentage of each one in relation to the maximum score (1.0).

Objective/ drop-down list question

The weight of the question is defined by the rule of three that considers the highest alternative points as 100% and the weight of the alternative chosen by the user in relation to this score.

For example:

  • An objective/drop-down list question has 4 alternatives.
  • The correct alternative is worth 10 points. The other three alternatives are worth zero (10 + 0 + 0 + 0).
  • The alternative that has the highest score (10 points) is equivalent to 100% of the question score, that is, 1.0 point.
  • In an objective or drop-down list question, the student can only choose one alternative.
  • Therefore, if the students chooses the correct alternative, they get 100% of the question right and receive 1.0 point.
  • If the student chooses a wrong alternative, they receive a zero.

What if points are assigned to more than one alternative?

For Objective/Drop-down List questions in which points are assigned to more than one alternative, similarly the question with the highest score will represent 100% of the score for the question.

For example:

  • An Objective question will be used as a training reaction evaluation.
  • There are 5 alternatives: Excellent (100 points), Good (75), Fair (50), Poor (25) and Very poor (zero).
  • If the student chooses Excellent, which is worth 100 points, the question score will be 100/100 (1.0).
  • If the student chooses Fair, which is worth 50 points, the question score will be 50/100 (0.50).

If you want to assign points to more than one alternative and allow the student to choose multiple answers, it is recommended to use Multiple Choice questions.

Multiple choice question

The sum of the points from the alternatives chosen by the student in relation to the total question score defines the score obtained in Multiple Choice questions.


It is important to pay attention to the option “Evaluate as a whole” available in this type of question. If it is selected, the student must check the correct alternatives but cannot check any of the wrong alternatives, because if they do, the whole question is considered wrong.

For example:

  • A question has 5 alternatives and the option “Evaluate as a whole” is checked.
  • Two alternatives are correct, the other three are wrong.
  • The correct alternatives are worth 5 points, while the wrong ones are worth zero, i.e. (5 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0) = 10 points.
  • The sum of the alternatives (10 points) is equivalent to 100% of the question score, that is, 1.0 point.
  • If the student checks two correct alternatives, but also chooses an incorrect one, their score is zero, since it takes into consideration the whole question, not only the correct answers.
  • If the student just checks one of the correct alternatives, their score is zero, because in this case all the correct alternatives in the question have to be checked.

What if the option “Evaluate as a whole” is not selected?

If the question is not evaluated as a whole, for each wrong alternative checked by the student, the system will disregard, among the correctly checked alternatives, the one that has the lowest score. That prevents, for example, the student from checking all the alternatives in a question, receiving the points and ending up being penalized.

For example:

  • A question has 5 alternatives and the option “Evaluate as a whole” is not checked.
  • Two alternatives are correct, the other three are wrong.
  • The correct alternatives are worth 5 points, while the wrong ones are worth zero, i.e. (5 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0) = 10 points.
  • If the student checks two correct alternatives, but also chooses an incorrect one, their score will be 5/10 (0.5) since the wrong choice will invalidate the correctly checked alternative that has the lowest value (5 + 5 -5).
  • If the student checks only one of the correct alternatives and an incorrect one, their score will be 5/10 (0.5), because only the correctly checked alternative will be considered.
  • If the student only checks the incorrect alternatives, their score is zero.

Gap / selectable gap question

In Gap or Selectable Gap questions, the percentage rule regarding the sum of the points from the correct alternatives and the total weight of the question is applied.

Example 1:

  • A question has 3 selectable gaps and the option “Evaluate as a whole” is not checked.
  • Each of the gaps has 4 alternatives, only one of which is correct.
  • The correct choice in each of the 3 gaps is worth 50 points (3 x 50), while the incorrect choices are worth zero. Thus, each gap corresponds to 1/3 of the question grade.
  • If the student checks 2 gaps correctly, their score will be 100 points (i.e. 2/3 of the total – 0.67).

Example 2:

Let’s consider a question with 4 selectable gaps and two alternatives each, with the following scores:

  • Gap 1
    • Alternative A → 100 points
    • Alternative B → 0 points
  • Gap 2
    • Alternative A → 200 points
    • Alternative B → 0 points
  • Gap 3
    • Alternative A → 300 points
    • Alternative B → 0 points
  • Gap 4
    • Alternative A → 400 points
    • Alternative B → 0 points

In this case, the total score for the question (i.e. if the answer is 100% correct) is 1000 points. This value is the sum between each correct alternative in each gap, since each gap can only have one correct alternative (with a score greater than zero).

The weight of each gap in the question is:

  • Gap 1 → 10%
  • Gap 2 → 20%
  • Gap 3 → 30%
  • Gap 4 → 40%


In this type of question, the total grade remains the same even if an answer is incorrect (i.e. no correctly filled gap will be discarded if a gap is filled incorrectly).

Scale / value question

Scale/ value questions follow the same rules as Objective questions (mentioned above).

There is only one possible correct answer and the student can choose only one alternative. If the chosen alternative is the correct one, the student scores 1.0 point in the question. If it is wrong, the student does not score any points.

Correlation / multivalued question

In a correlation or multivalued question, you can define different scores for each alternative.

If the option “Evaluate as a whole” is selected, all the alternatives must be answered correctly to ensure that the student receives the question score. If one or more alternatives are answered incorrectly, the student does not score.

If the option “Evaluate as a whole” is not checked, the student receives the points from all the correctly checked alternatives, and no points will be deducted from the total grade if an answer is wrong.

For example:

  • A multivalued question has 4 alternatives with different weights.
  • The question scores will be: (1) 40 points, (2) 30 points, (3) 20 points and (4) 10 points. Total: 100 points
  • If the student chooses alternatives 1, 3 and 4 correctly, they will receive 70/100 points, i.e. the grade will be 0.70 for this question.

Open-ended question

Open-ended questions are the only ones that require a person responsible for grading them, i.e. they are not evaluated automatically by the system.

The grader may assign a score from 0 to 100 for open-ended questions, but the maximum score for this type of question in the calculation of the evaluation grade is also 1.0 point.

Ordered question

For ordered questions, the score is divided equally among the alternatives (you cannot define specific weights).

If the option “Evaluate as a whole” is not checked, the student receives the points from all the correctly checked alternatives, and no points will be deducted from the total grade if an answer is wrong.

For example:

  • An ordered question has 8 alternatives.
  • Each alternative is worth 0.125 (1 / 8).
  • If the student orders 5 alternatives correctly, their grade will be 5 x 0.125 = 0.62 (the platform rounds the grade up/down).

Question blocks

Question blocks can have different weights within an evaluation. However, the weight of the questions in a block will be the same for all of them and will consider the block weight and the number of questions.

For example, if a block has 8 questions and the block weight is 20, the weight of each question will be 20/ 8 = 2.5.

The principle to calculate the score for each block within an evaluation is similar to the one used in questions x alternatives. The weights of the blocks in an evaluation are added together, and this total constitutes 100% of the evaluation score. From that value comes the final percentage of each block.

For example:

  • An evaluation has 3 question blocks: Block (a), (b) and (c).
  • The weight of block (a) is 20, block (b) is 30 and block (c) is also 30. Total: 80.
  • Therefore block (a) will be worth 25% of the grade
  • Blocks (b) and (c) will be worth 37.5% of each grade.

The “Minimum number of correct answers” sets the minimum number of answers that a student must get right for the block to be considered in the evaluation grade. If they do not achieve the minimum number of correct answers, the student’s grade in this block will be zero.

If the option “Allow zero score in the block” is not checked, when the score for the block is zero, the total grade for the evaluation will also be zero, regardless of the results obtained in the other question blocks in the evaluation.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.6.4 – Waterdrop update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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