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Speaking of collaborative editing...

This feature allows you to enable the collaborative editing of documents through Google Drive.

Besides being another editing option, the collaborative editing allows the document to be changed by multiple users, which may contribute to its drafting, making the process more collaborative.


To have this feature displayed, it is first necessary to acquire the artifact at fluig Store.

Then, it is necessary to install the integration artifact in the Component Center and configure Google Drive to get the Client ID and Client secret. More details in Collaborative editing with Google Drive. After completing these procedures, this feature will be displayed in the Applications container of the Control Panel.

Users must have a Google account to be able to edit documents using this feature.

Collaboratively edit a document

01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Applications container and click Collaborative editing.

02. Define the requested information.

The requested information is:

Enable Google Drive
When enabled, it determines that the feature for collaborative editing of documents through Google Drive is active on the platform. In this case, the button is presented with the call ON, stating that the feature is active. When activated to disable the feature, the button is presented with the call OFF, meaning that the feature is disabled.

Customer ID
Customer code obtained when configuring Google Drive. Information on settings can be obtained from Collaborative editing with Google Drive.

Customer secret
Customer secret key obtained when configuring Google Drive. Information on settings can be obtained from Collaborative editing with Google Drive.

Redirection URI
Redirect URL that is requested when configuring Google Drive. Information on settings can be obtained from Collaborative editing with Google Drive.

03. Press Test connection to test the validity of informed codes.

04. Click on Save.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 update - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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