Páginas filhas
  • Control of Checks Payable (FINA080 - SIGAFIN)

The features for management of checks payable in the system are:

  • Write-off with check

It happens when the bill to be written-off is selected and the write-off details and check number are entered, through the field Check Nr. During write-off, the system generates the check in bank movement and in the checks file.

  • Write-off without check

It happens when the bill to be written-off is selected and the write-off details are entered without filling out the field Check Nr. During write-off, the system generates the record in bank transaction (depending upon the reason for bill write-off) and in the checks file (without the check number). Numbering occurs in Check Generation.  

  • Check write-off with automatic numbering

It happens when the bill is selected and in the field Check Nr, *nnnnn is entered. The real numbering occurs in check printing through the questions Automatically numbers? and Number of 1st check. This option updates bank transaction.

  • Check over Bills

This option enables the check to be generated before the write-off. By writing off the bill, the field Check Nr will automatically be filled out with the check number generated.


Through the option Checks Release the system allows the checks generated to be release with the completion of the parameter MV_LIBCHEQ. If its content is Y, the checks are released automatically; if N, they must compulsorily go through this option.

The bank transaction relating to these checks takes place when released on-line or after the check release procedure.