Páginas filhas
  • Banking Reconciliation (FINA472 - SIGAFIN)

This routine performs banking reconciliation, enabling you to add, edit, delete, and import bank statements via CSV file.

Adding is done manually through each statement or by using the statement import tool. Editing of the statement occur when they have not been finished or closed, and editing and deletion of transactions occur when they have not been reconciled.


Automatic Deconciliation is only performed in the last reconciled statement in two ways: record by record (manual) or by statement (automatic).


Create a Banking Reconciliation Configuration in Bank Stat. Conf..

You must determine reconciliation for each bank of the Bank Parameters routine and fill out the Conf. File field with bank return file generated by the Banking Reconciliation Configuration routine.


Performing banking reconciliation:

  1. Place the cursor on the Bank where the transactions are to be reconciled.
  2. Click New Statement, and enter the Statement No., Cut Date and Balance fields.
  3. Click Related Features and select the Import option.
  4. Select the CSV file sent by the bank.
  5. After confirming, check the data entered in the grid with the lines of bank transaction.
  6. Confirm to save the new statement.
  7. Upon returning to the bank selection screen, click Statements to interact with the bank statements registered by the routine.

See Also