Páginas filhas
  • Bills Payable Query (FINC050 - SIGAFIN)

This query aims at presenting original information from bills payable. Query can be performed both for pending and (fully or partially) written-off bills.

When the bill is pending, highlighted in green, its general information is displayed, as registered in Accounts Payable, as class, situation, client, issue, due date, original value, deductions, bordereau, accounting date, etc.

When querying a written-off or partially written-off bill, additionally to the aforementioned data, written-off information, such as date, interest, fine, correction, discounts, value received, reason for write-off, bank/branch/account and reconciliation.


The rate used when writing-off bills received is treated in the system as it follows: 

In Brazil, it is used the rate informed in the bill.

In located countries, the system considers the daily rate.


To query bills payable:

1. In the Query of CP Bills query window, select the desired bill and then "Query".

The system processes the data of accounts payable and displays a screen with information on each bill registered.

The system displays the movements of the bills payable below the registration data of the bills written-off. In the screen footer, the system displays the balance of the bill.

2. Check the data and confirm it.