Páginas filhas
  • RET - VAT Withholding (MATA995 - SIGAFIS)

To make calculation of this tax effective, the following conditions must be observed:

    • TOTVS customer must be a VAT Withholding Agent (Parameter MV_AGENTE, position 2 = Y).
    • The field VAT Withholding Agent in supplier register must have the content equal to N (No).
    • The concept of VAT withholding of all products and/or supplier must be registered in the additional tax configuration table, from where the following information is obtained (the search key in the additional tax configuration table is IVR+Concept):

1. Minimum: Defined in the field FF_IMPORTE.

2. Rate: Defined in the field FF_ALIQ.

    • Calculation basis must be lower than the minimum defined for the concept.


    • Base: Value of goods (proportional to the value being written off).
    • Rate: Determined by the rate defined in the tax configuration table for each concept.
    • Value: Calculated according to the base and rate.


Some suppliers have partial exemption of VAT withholding. Withholding percentage must be entered in the field IVA Withholding Perc. Default is 100%.