Páginas filhas
  • VAT - Tax on Added Value (MATA995 - SIGAFIS)

Tax on Added Value (VAT) results from the transference of assets and services. Impacts all commercialization steps, being:

  • Highlighted VAT (VAT) - In this case, use the formula:

Good Value/(1+ (Rate/100))

  • Added VAT (IVC) - In this case, for the good valued 1000 (calculation base), established tax value is 120 (12% rate).

Rates are established by products group, in Legislation.

Previous registration for Tax Calculation

1. In Variable Taxes, select Add.

System displays add window.

2. Fill out data according to field help

3This file has self-explanatory filling. However, check the most important information to register this tax:

Important information when the tax is created.



Important Notes

Registering a tax - VAT

Tax Code



Impuesto sobre  las Ventas

Field in Tax Records


Highlighted VAT is always saved in fields 1: Base, Rate and Tax amount)

Inflow Calculation Formula


You must check if all information is contemplated in calculation. This function is run internally when inflow invoices are generated either manually or through the purchase order.

Outflow Calculation Formula


You must check if all information is contemplated in calculation. This function is analyzed with VAT calculation highlighted in the outflow. This function is run internally when outflow invoices are generated either manually or invoicing the order.

Fee %


12% Standard

Important information when the tax is created.



Important Notes

Creating a tax - IVC

Tax Code



Impuesto sobre  las Ventas

Field in Tax Records


Highlighted VAT is always saved in fields 1: BASIMP1, ALQIMP1, and VALIMP1.

Inflow Calculation Formula


This source must be created , and must use as example the source M100IVAI. This function is analyzed with VAT calculation highlighted in the inflows. This function is analyzed with VAT calculation added in the inflows. This function is run internally when inflow invoices are generated either manually or through the purchase order.

Outflow Calculation Formula


This source must be created , and must use as example the source M460IVAI. This function is analyzed with VAT calculation added in the outflows. This function is run internally when outflow invoices are generated either manually or invoicing the order.

Fee %


12% Standard

See Also