This routine enables to issue copies of checks generated by the system, in which one or two copies can be printed per sheet.


When you define Yes to question Select Branch? you can select the branches taken into account in the report.


To issue copies of checks:

1. In the Check Copy printing report issue window, click Parameters.

The system displays the window with the parameters regarding the report.

2. Configure the parameters according to the field's help instructions.

Note that the field Print Single Line, allows the report to be printed with the results in a single line.

3. Check the information and confirm.

4. Then click on each folder displayed in the report generation window to configure printing.

In these folders, it is possible to select the print type (to disk, through spool, etc.), define the fields in the file to be displayed in the report, create filters for generation, etc.

5. Check the configuration and confirm printing of the report.


See Also