This routine allows generation of Digital Invoice, enforced by Mogi das Cruzes City Hall.

This invoice is the electronic version of the service invoice. The City Hall store electronically the invoices to record service providing transactions, replacing any other tax document with the same purpose. Using this, City Hall aims at time saving, less paperwork and better control.

To whom it is applicable

To all service providers in the city of Mogi das Cruzes- SP.

Digital Invoices must be used by service providers with gross income equal to or greater than R$ 1,000.00. Those not willing to use it must file a request for special basis.


Time saving, less paperwork and better control.


Mogi da Cruzes - SP

Application provided by tax authorities

Sending Digital Invoices

Application version

Where to find it


Complementary Law nr. 48, of December 29, 2006.

Decree nr. 7,683, of May 17, 2007.

Types of Generated Records

Record Type 991 - Invoicing Record

This record is generated based on Tax Records and on Customer/Supplier File

Record Type 992 - Service Record 

This record is generated based on Tax Records.

Record Type 993 - Financial Record  

This record is generated based on Tax Records and on Accounts Receivable.