Enables file generation to import DFC and GI - Tax Accounting Statement and Information Form of Interstate Services and Operations. To send these files through Internet annually, you must use the program DFC-GI2012.

To whom it is applicable

All legal persons enrolled in the ICMS Normal Tax Regime must hand in the DFC, even without amounts to be entered: active, as long as the beginning of their activities is prior to January 2012; inactive, even if the enrollment has been paused or canceled during fiscal year 2011 and companies closed during fiscal year 2012.

All legal persons enrolled in the ICMS Normal Tax Regime must hand in the GI, even having not engaged in interstate operations, that is, without amounts to declare: active, as long as the beginning of their activities is prior to January 2012; inactive, even if the enrollment has been paused or canceled during fiscal year 2011 and companies closed during fiscal year 2012.


DFC: Generate an annual statement of information about goods and services inflow and outflow embraced by the Tax on Operations Relating to Goods Circulation and on Services Rendering of Interstate and Inter municipal Transport and Communication - ICMS. 

GI: Generate an annual statement oriented to interstate trade balance calculation. Here the taxpayer declares the inflows listed by origin States and outflows by destination States.


State – Paraná

Delivery term:

Both the DFC as the GI/ICMS must be delivered in the same period:

Normal and Special: 05/31/2012

Adjustment: 6/20/2012

Write off: during 2012

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

DFC and GI/ICMS version 2012 - base year 2011.

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it


Legislation contemplated

Adjustment SINIEF 01/96 and Decree 5.141/2001.

Types of Records Created

Record Type 1 - Taxpayer Identification (Mandatory)

For this record, the information is generated through the Company Register and according to the routine parameter completion.

Register Type 2 – Field Values (Optional)

For this record, the information is generated through Inflow and Outflow Invoices.

For DFC, tax document values are presented by city. For GI, they are presented by state.

For GI, this record is only generated through interstate inflow and outflow invoices.