Brazilian Information and Calculation Form of ICMS Tax Replacement – Brazilian States

This routine generates the preformatted file to import the Information and Calculation Form of ICMS Tax Replacement of the Brazilian states.

To whom it is applicable

To taxpayers that have state registration number in more than one state, even if in the period have no operations subject to tax replacement.


This statement demonstrates the tax calculated outside the state in each calculation period, as well as other economic-tax data.



Delivery Term

GIA-ST must be delivered up to the 10th day of the month subsequent to the tax calculation month.

Application provided by tax authorities

The magnetic file can be delivered two ways:

  • Submit the statement GIAST to the generator program, generate the text file and validate it, with no intervention of another system, or;
  • generate the text file and validate through the Internet.

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®

The version of the application is different according to the state.


Where to find it

Resolution SEF 6,351 dated October 15th, 2001.

Types of Records Created

A0 – Main Record

For the main record of the statement, the information is generated according to routine parameters and through Invoice Sales Items which had operations subject to tax replacement.


In order for the return complement invoices are considered in this register, must be related to Return Invoice/Series in Orig. Invoice fields, Orig. Series.

In case the entered Invoice/Series does not exist Inflow Invoices or Invoice exist but has no Return, the system will not consider the Complement Invoice in file generation.

Next, the client must be registered as Supplier and have the same CNPJ.

A1 – Record Annex 1

For the record Annex 1, the information is generated through Invoice Sales Items which had operations of return of invoices subject to tax replacement.

A2 – Record Annex 2

For the record Annex 2, the information is generated through Invoice Sales Items which had reimbursement operations subject to tax replacement.

A3 – Record Annex 3

For the record Annex 3, the information is generated through Inflow Invoice Items which had operations of transfer to branch of the taxpayer by tax replacement.