This routine enables the file generation to import REST (List of Third Party Services). in which all enrolled in the Economic Activities File must fill out it relating the Services Providers monthly hired.

To whom it is applicable

All enrolled in the Treasury Department (Services receivers of buyers), from the industrial, commercial, services, and all other Legal Entities (associations, unions, cooperatives, city, state, and federal agencies and their divisions, public companies, government controlled companies, foundations, residential and commercial condos and others services receivers) located in the city of Goiânia.


Coordinate and control the ISSQN payment - Withheld from Third Party, originated from withholdings made by


Municipal – Goiânia – Goiás

When to deliver

Monthly, up to the 8th day of the month subsequent to the reference period.

Application provided by tax authorities

The import is carried out directly through the SEFAZ website, through the option of access to the DMS system.

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it

Types of Records Created

Record Type H - Service Acquirer Identification - For the Record Type H, the information is generated according to the completion of parameters of Complementary routine.

Record Type D - List of Services Acquired - This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (inflow documents), according to some restrictions:

1. It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date;

2. CFOPs starting by a number lower than five are considered.


  1. To import the ISS invoices it is necessary to pay all the bills, as REST makes mandatory the completion of field related to service payment date.
  2. For the file of invoices received consider the invoices with Reduced Calculation Base for Civil Construction, it is necessary the creation of Discount Amount/ISS and Material ISS Discount fields. The insertion of these fields can be manually made, according described in this newsletter, or through the UPDFIS compatibility program.

Hence, in the insertion of invoices received, you can enter the values of ISS deduction (D1_ABATISS) and the values of material deduction (D1_ABATMAT).

  The other activities with Reduced Calculation Base are not included.

3. For the record of invoices received to consider RPAs (Receipts of Freelancer Payment), invoices must be entered according to the Technical Newsletter COM-FAT-GPE-RPA - Receipt of Freelancer Payment.

4. To import Withheld ISS Invoices, it is necessary that field City Registration of Customer/Supplier File is completed, as REST requires to complete the field for this invoices and that the Customer/Supplier is registered in Goiânia local administration.

Record Type T - Trailer - These records have the amount of record type D.