This routine allows to register data of the competitors of a company, with the purpose to supply subsidies for the commercial representative to prepare better proposals to its clients in sales opportunities, based on knowledge of its competitors.

This register is available for all sales representatives to view registered competitors. There is an access rights restriction from CRM, with minimum access level for sales representatives as View.


Adding competitors:

  1. In Competitors, click Add.
  2. Fill out the fields according to field help
  3. Check the data and confirm procedure.


The functionality allows to identify the relationship between registers made to CRM, such as suspects, prospect, customer, contacts, competition, suppliers, partners, opportunities, proposals, sales orders, invoices, products, price table, sales process, sales representatives, business unit, sales team, campaigns and events.

The connection centralizes information on a relationship between an entity and other and facilitates queries. You can use this feature to attach information from one customer to another by entering the connection function. For example: partner, shareholder, influencer, etc.

If a function is not found that fits to its needs, it is possible to register other connection roles and relate them to corresponding roles, i.e., connect the role Uncle/Aunt to the corresponding role Nephew/Niece.

When registering connections, you can define start and end connection dates.


  1. In Related Features, click
  2. In the connection register screen, entity data, code and connector name are automatically loaded.
  3. Fill out the fields Connection Role, Role description, Connected entity type, Entity type description, connected entity code, entity description, Commentand Start and end dates.
  4. The field Connection Roles is filled out by a standard query. After filling out the role, the field Corresponding role is automatically completed. In case of more than one, select which one best fits your needs.
  5. If you need to register a new role, select the option The role code is automatically loaded, sequentially.
  6. Fill out the fields Name, Category, Observation, Status, Relationship with the Entity and Corresponding Rule Association.
  7. In the corresponding registered roles there is a standard query listing already registered roles.
  8. In the connection query browser there is an option Disconnect, that undoes the record relationship links.

See Also

Registered competitors in: