This option evaluates the stock of products requested in the order, analyzing its blocking status. The system adds orders to the reserves and checks if there is enough balance to answer the order analyzed.

The order remains blocked if factors that caused it remain the same.

Rejected orders present codes that identify what caused the block. A blocked order can be manually released, unless blocking code is 10 (invoiced order).

In the routine maintenance window, the orders are displayed according to their status:

 - Released

 - Invoiced

 - Blocked by Credit

 - Blocked by Stock

 - Blocked by WMS

The system, in the release of credit or stock, updates the block codes of sale order items.

The block codes generated by the system are:

Credit Block

  • 01 - Credit Limit Amount
  • 04 - Expired Credit Limit
  • 09 - Credit Manual Rejection

Stock Block

  • 02 - Stock Block

WMS Codification

  • 01 - WMS Addressability Block/Physical and Financial Balances Only
  • 02 - WMS Addressability Block
  • 02 - WMS Addressability Block
  • 05 - Release for Block 01
  • 06 - Release for Block 02
  • 07 - Release for Block 03


The stock release is only allowed if the order item does not have credit block and if complies with parameters involved.


The system runs several consistency checks to release the credit, taking in consideration the definition of parameters below:


When content is equal to .T., the system sends all order releases to credit approval. However, if parameter is equal to .F., no credit is blocked.


This parameter indicates if a new release blocked must be generated when the release is partial.


When content = S, the system evaluates the balances by address in the moment stock release, which is only allowed if there is balance in the addresses listed.

When content = N in the order release, the system runs an evaluation of balance by addresses. Thus, it is necessary to decrease the order amount, in case of insufficient balance (through field Released Qty.).


The parameter is used in credit refusal situations, so the quantities are allocated although credit was denied.


This parameter points out if the system should block the generation of the reserve if quantity in stock is insufficient.


This parameter lets the user performs the manual release when stock balance is insufficient to answer the order; it lets user works with negative stock.

There are two ways to release stock:

  • Automatic: reevaluates stock balance;
  • Manual: analyses order by order, item by item, if there automatically release is blocked.