Páginas filhas
  • Employees (TRMA100 - SIGATRM)

The control on employees information centralization to manage the need of training is an important tool to expedite, facilitate and to boost up a training department in organizations.

Thus, the file maintains employees data, generated by the control on Employees in the People Management module, as well as information relevant to training area, such as: graduation issues, professional background, extra-curricular activities, references of graduations earned, requested training, salary background, skills, etc.

This file provides the following controls:

  • Evaluate if employee has specifications required by the position earned.
  • Evaluate graduations earned in certain periods.
  • Add training determined by the company, as well its grades and frequency.
  • Add grading data (grades and correct answers percentage) for companies that perform periodic evaluations, or Tests.

Employees are classified through a caption:

  • - Regular
  • - Dismissed
  • - Away
  • - Vacation

An employee status is defined through the completion of field Payroll Status , located in sub-folder Employees, folder Functional. After completing this field, the employee status is changed and classified as caption in the window of routine maintenance. When such field is blank, it means that employee status is regular.


If it is required to dismiss a employee, make sure there is no references in other files, such as: data in Annual Accrued (SRD), Monthly Transactions (SRC), Provisions (SRF), among others.


To add employees:

1. In Employees, click Add.

The registered employees are listed, classified according to caption.


If there is integration with SIGAORG module - Organizational Architecture, the department and position of the employee must be informed before his or her addition to the system, in the window previously presented.

For this integration, configure parameter MV_ORGCFG.

This way, after trying to add an employee, the following message is displayed: The System is configured to use an organizational view. Registration could not be carried out. Check MV_ORGCFG".

2. Select employee and click Viewor Edit.

Click Add to insert a new employee.

3. The Add screen is displayed, divided into the following areas:

  • The left side lists several folders to manage employee data, concerning training, and these regard the following files:


Evaluation Factors


Professional Background

Extracurricular Background

Training Request

Graduation Reference



  • The right side lists data of file selected, with its respective management folders.

4. Select folder and follow instructions from help.

5. Fill out necessary data, according to help

6. After completing data of such folders, confirm clicking OK.

7. Select them according to need.

8. Also, check option Knowledge Base.

9. Select them according to need and follow instructions of help .

Related Features

  • List
  • View Relationship

See Also

Check other routines involved with Employee File:

  • People File
  • Registration of Collective Training
  • General Evaluation Factors
  • Group Evaluation Factors
  • Skills File
  • Competence X Skills File
  • Upgrade Graduation
  • Entities File
  • Training Need
  • Request for Training


From the definition of a Training Calendar, the employees taking part in the registered courses must be selected.

Besides reserving employees, this routine presents the number of vacancies for the selected course and some indications to establish status before training programs:

  • R - Indicates that the employee is reserved in another class of the same selected course.
  • L - Indicates that the employee is on a waiting list in another class of the same selected course.
  • S - Indicates that the employee has a request in another class of the same selected course.
  • C - Indicates that employee already took the course with another class.


The following routines can only be established only as from Reservation: Expense Control, Training Write-Off, Schedule Evaluations and Training Warning. Otherwise, the system sends a warning informing that there are no employees reserved.

In the training reservation, you can verify the employee's situation in the training period, enabling identification of collaborators on vacation, absent, dismissed or with scheduled vacations for the training period. This identification is made when you click Caption.


To make a reservation:

1. In Reservation, select the desired training. Then, click Reservation.

The system displays the routine's descriptive screen.

2. Click Parameters.

The system displays the routine's parameters screen.

3. Configure them according to the help instructions.

4. Check the information and confirm.

The system returns to the routine's descriptive screen.

5. Confirm again.

The system displays a screen to reserve employees taking the training programs.

6. Place the pointer on the course to which with reservations are made or click Researchto search quickly. Then, click Reservation.

The employees selected by the parameters are displayed.

7. The upper part of the screen displays the following information:

  • Calendar

This field displays code and name of calendar selected to reserve employees for the training.

  • Course

This field displays code and name of selected course to reserve employees for the training.

  • Class

This field displays a class of selected course to reserve employees for the training.

8. On the left side of the screen, the selected employees are listed and their respective situations in other classes are indicated, if they are reserved, in a waiting list, request our course already taken in another class.

9. To reserve, click the employee's name in the window displayed on the left side of the screen.

An is displayed, selecting the employee for the course.

10. On the right side of the screen, names already selected are displayed.

11. Click the desired status column:

  • R = Reserved
  • L = Waiting List
  • S = Requested in another class

12. To change the reservation type for all employees, click one of the verification boxes displayed below the employees selected:

  • Reserve - Indicates that all selected employees are reserved for the course.
  • Waiting List - Indicates that all employees selected are in a waiting list for the course.
  • Request - Indicates that all selected employees will be requested for the course.

13. Click box Select all Employees for the following options:

  • No request - Selects all employees, even without request.
  • With request - Selects all employees with requests.

14. After selecting the employees, click OK to confirm.

See Also

For more information, see other routines involved in the process:

  • Employees File
  • Training Warning
  • Training Calendar
  • Expense Control
  • Training Write-off
  • Schedule Evaluations
  • Integration of SIGATRM with Datasul EPM/AMS
  • TSA Integration