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Following are the details of the parameter settings of file standalone.xml, available in: <Fluig Directory>\jboss\standalone\configuration.




Change the FTP port for publishing documents via FTP. The default port is 21.


Change the FTP port for the private folder. The default port is 25.


Enable runtime count of the customization events. It displays the event name, execution start and end date and time of each event in the log.


Change the client machine communication port with the License Server.


Change the License Server.


Change the communication port with the License Server.


Change the OpenOffice installation directory (to convert documents into PDF).



Change the available ports for OpenOffice. To provide more than one port, use the "," (comma) separator.


Enable the dataset information search directly in the database, no longer in the indexation index.


Enable sending email using the email registered in the mail.from field.


Changes the email address used for sending system emails


Define a name next to the source email to identify the company, for example. Type: NOME_DA_EMPRESA [email protected].


If set as 'true', it causes all product emails to be sent with the email provided in the mail.from field, not only the system emails.


Makes it possible to enable or disable Fluig Identity in the product.

  • totvs/idp/authorization
  • totvs/idp/acsURL
  • totvs/idp/idpDestination
  • totvs/idp/homePageURL
  • totvs/idp/apiURL
  • totvs/idp/certificateFile
  • totvs/idp/ignoreSSLValidation
  • totvs/idp/justInTimeProvisioning
  • totvs/idp/clockSkew
  • totvs/idp/spIssuerName
  • totvs/idp/providerName
  • totvs/idp/spProtocolBinding
  • totvs/idp/idpProtocolBinding
  • totvs/idp/nameIdFormat
  • totvs/idp/idpCertIssuerName
For more details on populating the dependent variables, follow Annex 1 of Fluig Integration with Identity.


Change the directory where the solr settings are located


Change the SOLR url. By default, it is <servidorlocal>: 8080/solr.


Address of the permission cache server. (ip:porta)


Change the Fluig chat url used to communicate.


Change the internal url of the communication server with onode.js.

To configure email sending using TLS, you need to add the parameter tls = "true" in the tag "smtp-server":

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:mail:1.1">
 <mail-session jndi-name="java:jboss/mail/Default">
 <smtp-server tls="true" outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-smtp">
 <login name="USUÁRIO" password="SENHA"/>
 <mail-session jndi-name="java:/Mail">
 <smtp-server tls="true" outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-pop3">
 <login name="USUÁRIO" password="SENHA"/>


To obtain a higher performance from the application server used by Fluig, it is recommended that you change the parameters below:


Changing these parameters is optional, and it is applicable to Fluig 1.1.4 or lower. Before changing them, do not forget to create a backup of the standalone.xml file.

In standalone.xml, available in: <Fluig Directory>\jboss\standalone\configuration:

  • Thread pool to be used by JBoss to serve the static and dynamic content. Add within the tag "<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:threads:1.1">"  (line 737, approximately)
<bounded-queue-thread-pool name="http-pool">
  <core-threads count="100"/>
  <queue-length count="20"/>
  <max-threads count="300"/>
  <keepalive-time time="15" unit="seconds"/>
  • JMS-related settings so that the messages on disk do not persist.
  • Web connector settings changed to use NIO and thread pool. Replace line 751 (approximately):
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http"/>

By this line:

<connector name="http" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" executor="http-pool"/>
  • In standalone.bat, available in:  <Fluig Directory>\jboss\bin, remove the snippet below:

Please note


Changes to the standalone.bat file are only applicable in installations in Windows server

if not "%PRESERVE_JAVA_OPTS%" == "true" (
	rem Add tiered compilation, if supported (64 bit VM), and not overriden
	echo "%JAVA_OPTS%" | findstr /I "\-XX:\-TieredCompilation \-client" > nul
  if errorlevel == 1 (
	"%JAVA%" -XX:+TieredCompilation -version > nul 2>&1
	  if not errorlevel == 1 (
		set "JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+TieredCompilation %JAVA_OPTS%"
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