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The objective of this guide is to describe the development, post and view of reports in Fluig. To have a better understanding, a user report example will be detailed.


Development Environment

For developing reports, you need to have Java™ JDK/JRE higher than 1.6. Address for download: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp.

Fluig uses BIRT as a report execution engine. For this reason, in order to develop reports, you should use the BIRT standard and methodology.

It is recommended to use the BIRT Report Designer to develop reports for Fluig. BIRT can be integrated into Studio or Eclipse (already installed for use of Fluig Studio, according to the Fluig Studio Installation Guide), just install BIRT plug-in. I n order to do that, you need to access the Help-> Install New Software option and follow these procedures: 

  1. Work with: Select Indigo.
  2. Search: After listing BIRT options, enter Birt in the search field.
  3. Select the Business Intelligence, Reporting and Charting check box.
  4. Then click Next.

BIRT Report Designer has several features that assist in developing reports. Among them are: layout adjustment, data access configuration, and report formatting.


SaaS Environment Security

In case Fluig is executed in SaaS environment, it is not recommended the use of reports, since it is possible to create reports that return information from other companies via JPQL or Dataset query. To ensure non-execution, it is necessary to define the true value for the variable SaaS located at: %JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-as-7.2.0.Final\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml. E.g.:

<simple name="java:global/webdesk/SaaS" value="true"/>


Direct connection to the database

It is possible to post reports that communicate directly with the database.

Use the settings below in your report, paying attention to the values of the 'odaDriveClass' and 'odaURL' properties.


To make direct connection to the SQLServer database, you must use the following standard:

<property name="odaDriverClass">com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver</property> 
<property name="odaURL">jdbc:sqlserver://IP:1433;databaseName=DATABASE</property>


To make direct connection to the MySQL database, you must use the following standard:

<property name="odaDriverClass">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> 
<property name="odaURL">jdbc:mysql://IP:3306/databaseName=DATABASE</property>


Developing a User report

Through BIRT Report Designer, you can create various reports for Fluig, access data from the product database via JPA, JDBC query. You can access other products data through JDBC connection, Web Service, or XML files.

To make it easy to understand the development of Fluig reports, we will show an example about creating reports. Following are the steps required for creating the user report with data provided from Fluig through query via dataset. The source of the mentioned example can be downloaded from the following link:

Colleague Report.zip

Creating a new project and a new report

Open the tool in which you installed BIRT Report Designer plug-in to follow the step by step. In the example we will use Fluig Studio.

  • In the previously created Fluig project, right click the reports folder, and then click New -> Fluig Report.
  • Then simply provide the Report Name and click Finish.

Figure 1 - Creation of report in Fluig project.


Configuring access to data

Data Source is a mechanism that keeps the connection data to the data source, for example, JDBC, Web Service settings, among others. For this report, we will use access to data via JavaScript language.

Follow these steps:


    • When creating the new report, select the Report Design view and then the  Data Explorer tab, right click the  Data Source  item and then select the  New Data Source option.

    Figure 5 - New Data Source.



    • When opening the New Data Source window, select the Scripted Data Source option and define the name dsColleague as the Data Source Name, then click Finish.

    Figure 6 - Data Source Type.


    • In the Data Explorer tab, right click Data Sets item, then click the New Data Set option, as shown in figure 7. Data Set is a BIRT temporary table in which Data Source data is stored and rendered in the report.

    Figure 7 - New Data Set.


    • When opening the New Data Set window, define colleagueDataSet as the Data Set Name, click on the Next button, in Output Columns, click on the Add button and add all the DataSet records. Next, click on the Finish button.


    Column Name

    Data Type

    Column Alias

    Display Name

























    Figure 8 - Data Set Columns.


    Adding parameters to the Report

    You can add parameters to the report being requested for the user prior to its rendering, assisting in data query filter generating a specific report. Follow these steps:


      • Select the  Data Explorer tab, then right click the Report Parameters item, select the  New Parameter option.

      Figure 9 - Report Parameters.



      • Figure 10 illustrates the parameter addition window.

      Figure 10 - Parameter configuration.

      When you open the New Parameter window, add the following parameters:



      Name Registration
      Prompt text User Registration or "*" to display all
      Data type String
      Display type Text Box
      Is Required true

      Mostra Usuários

      Data type String
      Display type List Box
      Is Required true
      Name paramEnable
      Prompt text Display users


      Selection Values

      Display Text
      * All
      true Active
      false Inactive


      Order by

      Name paramSort
      Prompt text Order by
      Data type String
      Display type List Box

      Selection Values

      Display Text
      c.colleaguePK.colleagueId Registration
      c.colleagueName Name
      c.login Login




      Fluig offers substitution TAGs to assist in the development and security of generation report information, those being:

      • ${WKCompany}: substitutes the variable by the authenticated company code in Fluig.
      • ${WKUser}: substitutes the variable by the authenticated user code in Fluig.

      TAGs are useful in the events when information should only be generated about the company in which the user is authenticated, or in reports that show only information about the authenticated user in Fluig.


      Populating the Data Set

      In the example presented in this document, the report will be populated with data provided from JPA queries accessing Fluig database. However, you can use other resources to populateData Set: XML, Web Service and JDBC.

      BIRT renders the report through the execution of its events. There are many events provided by BIRT, in this example we will use:

      • initialize: first event fired by BIRT, it is recommended to use this event to import libraries and start variables;
      • beforeOpen: event fired before BIRT opens the connection to the data source (Data Source);
      • fetch: event fired by BIRT after searching for each record in the Data Set and before applying the filters and calculated fields.

      Through the events, it is possible to develop query logic and data generation via JavaScript programming language. In addition to that, it is possible to use several Java™ language resources and libraries.



        • Select the  Script  tab in the report page, and then select the  initialize event, add the following code as shown in figure 11:
        var count = 0;
        var dataset = null;

        Figure 11 - initialize Event.

        The above code imports the Java™ libraries and the library provided by Fluig to query the product data, in addition to starting the variables used by the report.

        Details about the code:

            • importPackage: command responsible for importing Java™ libraries.
            • Package.java.util: library responsible for Java™ utils Classes.
            • Packages.com.datasul.technology.webdesk.dataset.service: library provided by Fluig to query the product database.


        • Select the Data Explorer tab, expand the Data Sets item and click on colleagueDataSet, then click the Script tab, select the beforeOpen event and add the following code as shown in figure 12.
        	var factory = DatasetFactory.getInstance(${WKCompany});
        	var constraints = new Array();	
        	var sortingFields = new Array();
        	var i = 0;		
        	//Filters only by registration of the user provided
        	if(params["Registration"].value != null &amp;&amp; params["Registration"].value != "*") {		
        		constraints[i] = factory.createConstraint("colleaguePK.colleagueId", params["Registration"].value, params["Registration"].value, ConstraintType.MUST);
        	//Filters active if selected
        	if(params["paramEnable"].value != null &amp;&amp; params["paramEnable"].value != "*"){
        		constraints[i] = factory.createConstraint("active", params["paramEnable"].value, params["paramEnable"].value, ConstraintType.MUST);
        	//Orders according to selection
        	if(params["paramSort"].value != null &amp;&amp; params["paramSort"].value != "*"){
        		sortingFields[0] = params["paramSort"].value;
        	dataset = factory.getDataset("colleague", null, constraints, sortingFields);
        }catch (e) {
        }finally {

        Figure 12 - BeforeOpen Event.


        The above code mounts the report query by querying via dataset and adds the request filters according to the parameters defined by the user.

        Details about the code:

        • ${WKCompany}: TAG provided by Fluig, returns the company code in which the user is authenticated;
        • params["Registration"]: report parameter, returns the registration code defined by the user;
        • params["paramEnable "]: report parameter, returns user type;
        • params["paramSort "]: report parameter, returns the ordering mode;


        • To include the result of the query in the Data Set and format the report data, select the fetch event in the Script area and add the following code as shown in figure 13.
        if (dataset != null) {
        	if (count <	dataset.rowsCount){
        		//mounts the line object
        		row["colleagueId"] = dataset.getValue(count, "colleaguePK.colleagueId");
        		row["login"] = dataset.getValue(count, "login");
        		row["colleagueName"] = dataset.getValue(count, "colleagueName");
        		row["mail"] = dataset.getValue(count, "mail");
        		if(dataset.getValue(count, "active") == true){
        			row["active"] = "Sim";
        			row["active"] = "Não";
        		//Updates the counter  
        		return true;
        	return false;

        Figure 13 - fetch Event.


        Getting data via JDBC connection

        An alternative way of obtaining data for creating reports is to use JDBC. You must create a Data Source that connects to the database. It will store the data for connection, via JDBC, to the database.


          • Select the Data Explorer tab, right click the Data Source item, then select the New Data Set option, as shown in figure 14.

            Figure 14 - New Data Source


          • When you open the New Data Source window, select the JDBC DataSource option and define the name JDBC-DataSource as the Data Source Name, then click the Next button, according to figure 15.

            Figure 15 - Data Source Type


          • In the next window, the connection to the database must be configured. 

            In the  Driver Class  field, select the connection driver to the database, in this case, the connection will be made with the MySQL® database. If the required driver is not listed, simply add it by clicking  Managed  Drivers...

            Also provide the values for  Database URL, User Name  and  Password  according to the chosen database, as shown in figure 16.

            Figure 16 – Configuring database connection.


          • In the  Data Explorer  tab, right click the  Data Sets  item, then click the  New Data Set  option.

            Figure 17 – Creating New Data Set.


          • Select the  DataSource  created (JDBC-DataSource), in the  Date Set Type  field, select SQL  Select Query, enter a name for the  Data Set  and click  next, as shown in figure 18.

          Figure 18 - Configuring Data Set.


          •  On the next screen, enter the SQL that searches data in the database, in this example, the Fluig authenticated company volumes will be searched.

          Figure 19 – Creation of SQL Query

          • The Query below searches the database for all the user company volumes authenticated in Fluig. This code is obtained by TAG ${WKCompany}.

          SELECT vol_fisic.CD_VOL_FISIC,
          FROM vol_fisic
          WHERE vol_fisic.COD_EMPRESA = ${WKCompany}


          An error may occur when finishing the creation of the Data Set, since TAG ${WKCompany} does not exist in the BIRT context. The following figure shows the error that resulted from the use of the TAG, this is a syntax error in SQL and indicates that ${WKCompany} is not an SQL command. However when the report is executed in Fluig, it returns the company code as it should and, as a result, the TAG will be replaced by the company code of the user authenticated in Fluig, correcting the syntax error.

          Figure 20 – Birt error for using TAG ${WKCompany}


          Birt report creation using JDBC connection requires attention related to report post security in Fluig, since the .rptdesign file (XML of the Birt report) leaves the connection to the database parameters exposed. However, the password field is dimmed with base64. For this reason and for ease of searching Fluig information, we always recommend creating reports with data sources via Fluig Dataset or JPA query.

          If reports need to be created using JDBC, we recommend that, when posting a report in Fluig, the permission settings are set to read-only. Users who have maintenance permission can download the attachments and will have access to the date connection to the database.


          Formatting Report view

          You need to add the report rendering components. Click on the Layout tab to view the report page that is blank and then select the Palette tab, as shown in figure 21.

          Figure 21 – Blank report.

          On the Pallets tab, you can add several data view and rendering components, among which we highlight:

          • Label: Short and static text.
          • Text: Long text, it can be formated with HTML TAGS.
          • Dynamic Text: Dynamic text provided from Data Set.
          • Image: Adding images.
          • Grid: Data formatter in Grid.
          • Table: Data table.
          • Chart: Pie, line, tube graphs, and so on.


            • You can add images from the Internet, add file images, or even embed the image in the XML report. In this example, we will use an attached image to show later how to publish reports with attachment.

              Drag an Image component to the report, when opening the window Edit Image  Item, select the  option Image file in shared resources, select the image file in the Enter resource file option and then click the Insert button.

              Figura 22 – Image Component


            • Drag a Text component to the report, when opening the Edit Text Item window, select the HTML option and, in the text area, add the following information formatted in HTML:

            <a href="http://www.fluig.com/">http://www.fluig.com/</a>
            <br><b>E-mail:</b> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
            <br><b>Telefone:</b> 0800 882 9191
            • Then click the OK button as shown in figure 23.

            Figure 23 - Text Component.


            • Drag a Label component to the report, double-click the component included and type User Report, in the Property Editor - Label -> General tab, define the label format, as shown in figure 24.


            Figure 24 - Report title.


            • Drag a Table component, when opening the Insert Table window, define 6 columns and 1 detail, and click the OK button, as shown in figure 25.

            Figure 25 - Table Configuration


            In the table added to the report, add a Label component for each column of the Header Row line, define the following values:

            • Registration.
            • Name.
            • Login.
            • Email.
            • Active.
            • Administrator.

            Format the labels included by defining font color and background color, as shown in figure 26.

            Figure 26 - Column Titles.


            Rendering data from Data Set

            Select the Data Explorer tab and expand the colleagueDataSet created earlier, then drag each item from the Date Set to the Detail Row column of the table previously created, as shown in figure 27. 

            Figure 27 - Data Set.


            Posting Reports


            Upon completing report development, you need to export it to Fluig document browsing.


              To do this, right click the report folder and click  Export.

              Figure 28 – Report Export.


              Attachments are exported along with the report. During export, the .rptdesign file is automatically identified as the main file, and the other files are classified as attachment.


              • In the Export screen, click  Export to Fluig server  and then click  Next.


                Figure 29 – Report export.


              • In the  Export Report screen, it is necessary to provide the  Server name, identify if this will be the posting of a  New Report, define the name of the report, the Target Folder (as per image, the target folder code was provided) and then tag the  Versioning  type (since we are creating a new post, we selected  Keep Current).

                Figure 29 – Report export.


              • In the Report  folder of  Document Browsing, you will be able to see that the report has been published successfully.

              Figure 29 – Report posting.


              Report Viewer

              After finishing the post, to view it, click on the report in the folder where the post was made in Fluig.

              A new window should open, to start execution of the user report previously developed, you need to add parameters, define their values, and then click the OK button.

              Figure 32 - Report parameters.


              The report should display all users registered in Fluig for the company in which the user is authenticated.

              Figure 33 – User Report – Result.

              Viewer options

              Fluig report view tool has several features:

              • Check Index: If the developed report has index, you can list it.
              • Run report: Allows the report to be executed again.
              • Export data: Exports the data generated from the report in file, allowing you to select the desired columns and the data separator.
              • Export report: Converts the report data in different file formats: Microsoft® Excel®, PostScript®, PDF, Microsoft® Word, and Microsoft® Power Point® also allow to select the pages that will be exported.
              • Print report: Prints report by selecting the printers installed in the authenticated user computer and allows printing in PDF or HTML format.
              • Print report in server: Print report from the printers installed in Fluig server.
              • Page browsing: allows browsing between the pages of the report.

              Figure 34 - Report viewer features.

              JPA - Aggregation Functions

              Aggregation Functions

              Fluig supports through JPA queries and its database, the use of aggregation functions, such as: AVG, SUM, COUNT, MAX and MIN. Also allows you to use groupings: GROUP BY and HAVING


              Entity table

              The table below refers to the relationship between the dataset code, the JPA persistence entity used in queries, and the respective table in the database. The columns of the persistence entities are the same as those presented in the dataset.

              Dataset code

              JPA entity

              Database table












































































              Exemplo de Utilização

              var qd = null;
              var rs = null;
              var rowMap = null;
              var sqlJpa = "";
              qd = new QueryDelegate();
              sqlJpa = "SELECT count(d.documentPK.documentId), d.publisherId from Document d WHERE
              d.documentPK.companyId = ${WKCompany} GROUP BY d.publisherId";
              rs = qd.getResultQuery(sqlJpa);
              var rowMap = rs.get(0);
              //Searches for Count value
              //Searches for document Code


              Accessing Form data

              Importing libraries

              From the DatasetFactory class, it is possible to access form data published in Fluig.

              To populate a report through card index data, you need to import the following libraries:



              Returning form data

              Through the DatasetFactory class, it is possible to search for form data and add filters and order. Use example:

              //Mounts the constraints for query
              var factory = DatasetFactory.getInstance(${WKCompany});
              //Filters Customers 1 to 5
              var c1 = factory.createConstraint("cod_cli", "1", "5",ConstraintType.MUST);
              var constraints = new Array(c1);
              //Orders the result by Customer name
              var sortingFields = new Array("name_cli");
              dataset = factory.getDataset("cad_cli", null, constraints, sortingFields);


              The above example calls upon the getDataset method passing some additional arguments as parameters:

              • Dataset Name: Form data service name;
              • Fields: Returns only the fields received in the array provided. If null, returns all the fields.
              • Constraints: Vector with Dataset search conditions. In each search condition (constraint), you must enter the name of the form field that will be filtered, the start and end value range, and the type of Constraint. These types can be:
                • MUST: Indicates that all Dataset records must meet this condition.
                • SHOULD: Indicates that the Dataset records may or may not meet the condition. This type is more common when you need the same field to have values A or B (where each will be a SHOULD constraint).
                • MUST_NOT: indicates that none of the records can satisfy the condition.
                • Sorting: Vector with the list of fields that will be used for arragning the records in the Dataset.

              The source of the above-mentioned example can be downloaded from the following link:

              Customer Card Index.zip 

              Search for Form data with filter by date

              To query via Dataset with Date type filters, you must first save the card field in the yyyy/mm/dd format (year/month/day) so you can perform the search via Dataset.

              Query example:

              //Mounts the constraints for query
              var factory = DatasetFactory.getInstance(${WKCompany});
              //Filters Customers 1 to 5
              var c1 = factory.createConstraint("campo_data", "2010/01/25", "2010/05/02", ConstraintType.MUST);
              var constraints = new Array(c1);
              //Orders the result by Customer name
              var sortingFields = new Array("name_cli");
              dataset = factory.getDataset("cad_cli", null, constraints, sortingFields);

              • Sem rótulos