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Speaking of quota control...

This feature allows the definition of a standard storage size for the folders on the platform, as well as for the private user folder.

The quotas defined here are standard. However, it is possible to define specific values per folder and per user. For folders, it is possible to define a value for each one, changing its properties. In this case, the quotas follow the folder hierarchy, that is, the secondary folders of a folder will inherit its quota and all posts made, both on the parent folder and in the secondary ones, consume the space quota for the parent folder. In order to assign specific quotas for the secondary folders, it is necessary that the quota of the parent folder is unlimited (value 0), as well as being necessary to change the quota of secondary folders to unlimited when assigning storage quota for a folder that has secondary folders with defined quotas. More information is available in the alternative path Add New Folder - Advanced, under Add New Folder. It is also possible to define a value that is different from the standard for My Documents folder for each user in the Users’ directory.

It is possible to define whether publication will be blocked or not when the folder reaches its maximum allowed size.

It is also possible to view a report containing information on each folder, its quota, the total used and the total available for use.

Add quota control

01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Technical parameters container and click Quota control.

02. Define the requested information.

The requested information is:

Enable quota control
When enabled, it determines that it is possible to define a size limit for the folders. In this case, the button is presented with the call ON, stating that the feature is active. When activated to disable the feature, the button is presented with the call OFF, stating that the feature is disabled.

Block publication when reaching the quota limit
When checked, it determines that the post in the folder will be blocked when it reaches its maximum pre-defined size.

Standard quota folder (0 for unlimited)
Standard maximum size the platform folders can have. This value can be changed in the properties of each folder, and a specific value can be defined for each of them. When a folder has secondary folders, these folders will inherit its size limit and posts made, both in the parent folder as in the secondary folders, consume the space quota for the parent folder.
In order to assign specific quotas for the secondary folders, it is necessary that the quota of the parent folder is unlimited (value 0), as well as being necessary to change the quota of secondary folders to unlimited when assigning storage quota for a folder that has secondary folders with defined quotas.

My documents standard quota (0 for unlimited)
Standard maximum size allowed for the private folder - My documents - of users. This value can be changed to a specific value for each user in the users’ directory.

03. Click on Save.

After enabling quota control, if any folder is occupying nearly all the space or exceeding the set limit, the platform administrator will receive a notification for each one of them, as long as the notification is enabled in the user’s notification settings.

View quotas used

01. In the Quota control window, click on View report.

02. View the quota and space available and use in the platform folders.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 update - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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