Páginas filhas
  • Check printing - (FINR480 - SIGAFIN)





This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute no. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


This report allows you to print checks generated by the system using a common printer (checks are printed in continuous forms), a printer able to work with single check printing (checks are individually printed), or even a printer that is not specialized in printing checks.


To issue checks:

  1. In the "Checks Printing" report issue window, click "Parameters".

A screen is displayed with report parameters.

2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.

3. Check data and confirm the procedure.

4. Then click on each folder displayed in the report generation window to configure printing.

In these folders, you can select the type of printing (to disk, through spool, etc.), define the fields of the record to be printed in the report, create filters for printing, etc.

5. Check the configuration and confirm.