Páginas filhas
  • Investment Statement - (FINR820 - SIGAFIN)

This report presents transactions from the investments added to the system to demonstrate the profit obtained, if the investment was redeemed in the system base date or if the estimated date is blank in the financial investment record.

If the expected date is not blank, the system compares the redemption date with the reference date entered in the report parameters and brings the information from the last redemption closest to the date entered.


To issue the investments statement:

  1. In the Financial module (SIGAFIN) menu, access: Reports > Bank Transaction > Investment Statement
  2. When you open the routine's start screen, click Parameters.
  3. Configure them according to the field help instructions.
  4. Check configurations and confirm the report printing.




Reference Date?

Enter the reference date to the investment balance. If this date is empty, the system's base date is considered.
The balance will be calculated according to the date entered in the investment inclusion using the field "Redemp./Paym.Dt" (EH_DATARES). Or, if this date is not entered, it will be according to the base date.
When a date earlier than the system base date is entered in this field, it will be considered to recompose the investment balance up to the date entered.

Consider Redemp. Dt ?

Select option "Yes" to force the redemption to the system base date, so that the balances are calculated regardless of the content in the field "Redemp.Paym. Dt" (EH_DATARES) entered in the application registration.

Initial Bank ?

Enter the initial code of the code interval for the banks in which the investments were made. 

Final Bank ?

Enter the final code of the code interval for the banks in which the investments were made. 

Currency ?

Enter the currency in which to present the values.

Other Currencies ?

Select "Convert" if you want to consider investments in other currencies. Otherwise, select "Do Not Print".

Select Branches?

Select yes if you want to select the branches to be considered for the report. Otherwise, the branch positioned at the time will be considered.


  • Default Report Configuration
  • Custom report configuration