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Speaking of personification permission feature...

Personification is when a person carries out actions on behalf of someone else. The platform has services (APIs, datasets, webservices) that allow the context user to be different than the logged user. For example, a user accesses the workflow API with ID “user1” and brings up the method that processes a workflow request. But this method has a parameter that informs from which user the process will be made. In this case the ID “user2” can be informed, allowing user1 to process a request assigned to user2.

This feature is crucial to automate some processes, in the event of an “Integrator” user that automatically processes delayed requests.


In order for personification to apply, in addition to granting permission, the desired service must also be implemented with this feature. Check all items that received this control in the Personification documentation.

Personification control

TypeFeature namePermission options

User personification

Personify: When enabled, allows performing actions under another user ID.

Permission application

If no changes are made to these permissions, by default the resources remain with free access. As soon as a group, role, or user is configured with the permission, only those who had the permission released have access to the feature. That does not apply to users with admin profile, who will always have access to the features.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from Crystal Lake (1.7.1) update. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.

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