Páginas filhas
  • How to use the multiple nature apportionment by Cost Center?

To validate this routine, the following parameters must be observed:

  • MV_MULNATP = T - Uses multiple natures for accounts payable

When you distribute the value of the bill among multiple natures, you have the possibility of apportioning the value of each nature among several cost centers. For this, in the Cost C. App. column, you must enter 1 to distribute the value of the nature between different cost centers or, otherwise, enter 2.

Standard Entries

  • 508 - Apportionment Multiple Class Cost Center - Accounts Payable
  • 509 - Cancellation of Apportionment Multiple Class Cost Center - Accounts Payable

These standard entries are available for online (508, 509) or offline (508) accounting and must be used together with the standard entry 510 - Addition of Accounts Payable Bills.
Distributions of values by multiple natures that do not use apportionment by cost center are booked as additions. Standard Entry 510 (Payable).
Distributions that use apportionment by cost center are accounted for through the entries described above. Standard Entry 508 (Payable)
The standard entry 508 - Apportionment of Multiple Classes by Cost Center (Payable) is not executed if the standard entry 510 - Addition of Accounts Payable Bills does not exist.
For correct accounting, the standard entry 510 must have the following syntax while defining input of amounts:

  • Standard Entry "510"
  • In the Values tab of the standard entry, the field Curr.Vl1 must contain the syntax below:



If you do not proceed in this manner, accounting may result in duplication of amounts.
To add an apportionment of the class amount among several cost centers:

  1. In the Accounts Payable routine, add a bill.
  2. Enter field Cost C. App. 
  3. A window is displayed where the following details are entered:
    • Cost Center - The financial cost center to which the amount will be indicated;
    • Amount to be Apportioned – The amount indicated for the relevant cost center;
    • Percentage – the percentage represented by the amount to be apportioned in the amount indicated for the nature.
    • The information entered will be available anytime while the distribution by multiple natures is not confirmed or canceled. To change or view them, enter 1 in the Cost C. App. field, and the data will be available.
  4. Check the data and Confirm.
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