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The objective of this document is to specify how Fluig Identity should be integrated and parameterized with the TOTVS product lines.

Fluig Identity is a profile management and corporate access software, also known as IdM - Identiy Management, it is a software that describes the management of individual rights, your authentication, authorization and privileges within or through the system and company boundaries, aiming to increase security and productivity while decreasing the tasks and costs linked to this activity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_management

Fluid identity has the following features:

  • Single Sign-on
  • Integrated Provisioning and Deprovisioning
  • Segmentation of access by group or roles
  • Native integration with Active Directory and LDAP
  • Access authorization via WorkFlow
  • Identity Graph


For integration, we will provide services for the following features:

  • Single Sign-on
  • Integrated Provisioning and Deprovisioning
  • Segmentation of access by group or roles
  • Native integration with Active Directory and LDAP
  • Sem rótulos