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4.1. Objective

Enable - through scripts in Fluig - the execution of procedures (business rules) in Progress programs (BO – Business Object) in Datasul. The calls can be made to any procedure in a non-persistent way, available on programs in AppServer Progress in Datasul. The send and return parameters for each procedure will be respected, without the need to modify them. Access to procedures is available through a Webservices in Datasul called ExecBO. Figure 3.1.a below shows the overall architecture of the solution.

Figure 3.1.a

Figure 3.1. b presents the interaction among modules.

Figure 3.1.b

4.2. Programming Guide

WebServices ExecBO has the following methods:






Enter using a user login, obtaining the credentials through the HEADER in the SOAP message.

It does not receive parameters directly, but it gets them through the HEADER in the SOAP message, where the following information is informed:

username: user name in Datasul

password: user password in Base64 format.

When successfully logged in, an authentication token is returned.

When the credentials are invalid, an exception is triggered.


Same function of the login method, but it receives the credentials through normal parameters.

username: user name in Datasul.

password: user password in Base64 format.

When successfully logged in, an authentication token is returned.

When the credentials are invalid, an exception is triggered.


It performs a procedure in a BO Progress, receiving the authentication token through the HEADER in the SOAP message.

At the HEADER, add the usertoken parameter.

programName:String – BO or Progress program name. This program should be in a folder indicated in the AppServer PROPATH. If it is in a sub folder, it must be indicated next to the program name.

procedureName:String – name of the procedure to be performed.

jsonParams:String – string in JSON format containing procedure parameters.

String in JSON format with the results of the procedure execution.


The same function as the callProcedure method, but the authentication token is sent as a normal method parameter.

token:String – authentication token.

programName: – String – BO or Progress program name. This program should be in a folder indicated in the AppServer PROPATH. If it is in a sub folder, it must be indicated next to the program name.

procedureName: – String – name of the procedure to be performed.

jsonParams: – String – string in JSON format containing procedure parameters.

String in JSON format with the results of the procedure execution.


The user's password in Datasul should be informed in a Base64-encoded way. For example, if the password is 'framework', its coding results in the string ' ZnJhbWV3b3Jr = '. There are several ways to perform this codification. In Javascript, we can use the functionbtoa(), according to the following example:

var pwd64 = btoa("framework");


The parameter jsonParams from the methods callProcedure or callProcedureWithToken shall contain the procedure parameters in JSON format. In this way, the string jsonParams should represent an Array of objects, where each object contains the following attributes:

  • name: parameter name, matching the Progress procedure.

  • type: parameter type, which may be: "input", "output" or "input-output".

  • dataType: data type, which may be: "character", "integer", "decimal", "logical", "date", "datetime" or "temp-table".

  • value: parameter value.

Assume a program named Test. p with a procedure named sum. This procedure receives two integer values as input parameters, it sums them and returns an integer as output. The call for the callProcedure in Java would be as follows:

String result = endpoint.callProcedure(“Teste.p”, “soma”, params);


Where params could have the following value:



The method return is also an ABLTO list. In this example, the value of the result variable would be:



Now let's see an example of calling a procedure that receives a temp-table as a parameter and returns it populated.

String result = endpoint.callProcedure(“Teste.p”, “getPaises”, params);


Where params has the JSON string with the declaration of the following TEMP-TABLE:



JSON String at TEMP-TABLE ttPais:



The return can be the following JSON string:



In order to obtain the WSDL for the service, use the following URL:



Where server:port is Datasul’s server and port.


Example of a Call to the ExecBO Service through a Process in Fluig

Through Fluig Studio, register the service WSExecBO according to the steps below:

a. From the Fluig view, select the Preview Service tab and then Include Service as shown in figure 3.2 a.

Figure 3.2.a


b. Register the new service similar to figure 3.2. b.

Figure 3.2.b


c. Select the Service Query option to test communications with the WebServices ExecBO and list the available operations, as shown in figure 3.2.c.

Figure 3.2.c


d. Create a script for the event of a process that has the need for information from a BO in Datasul. An example for the event afterTaskSave of a process can be seen below.

function afterTaskSave(colleagueId,nextSequenceId,userList) {
   try {
      // Uses the ServiceManager to obtain a reference to the service.
      var serviceProvider = ServiceManager.getService('WSEXECBO');
      var serviceLocator = 
      var service = serviceLocator.getWebServiceExecBOPort();
      var params = new Array();
      // Prepares the procedure parameters to be called in Progress
      var param1 = new Object();
      param1.dataType = "integer";
      param1.name = "value1";
      param1.value = 55;
      param1.type = "input";
      params[0] = param1;
      var param2 = new Object();
      param2.dataType = "integer";
      param2.name = "value2";
      param2.value = 99;
      param2.type = "input";
      params[1] = param2;
      var param3 = new Object();
      param3.dataType = "integer";
      param3.name = "result";
      param3.type = "output";
      params[2] = param3;
      var jsonParams = JSON.stringify(params);
      log.info(">>> Procedure parameters:");
      // Logs in and receives an authentication token
      var token = service.userLogin("framework", "ZnJhbWV3b3Jr=");
      // Call the procedure by passing the parameters and the authentication token.
      var resp = service.callProcedureWithToken(token, "testeProcedure.p", "sum", jsonParams);
      // Converts the result to an object
      var respObj = JSON.parse(resp);
      // Displays the result in the log.

   } catch (error) {

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